Friday, April 19, 2024
Tags Barbara Lubin

Tag: Barbara Lubin

Vote ‘United for Community Radio’ for the KPFA Local Station Board

It is time for all the staff and listeners to embrace the democratic victory that was won for us in legal and street battles of 1999-2001 and by the people who formed the original “Save KPFA” in the mid-1990s. KPFA was not sold from under us, and thanks to their efforts, it never will be. It is time to bring peace to KPFA and Pacifica and help strengthen this priceless resource.

What KPFA should be

To increase revenue, KPFA is considering some major changes in the morning programming lineup. If you are a KPFA listener, you are welcome to join the debate. If not, why not give KPFA a listen today? KPFA aspires to be real free speech radio and its mission is to bring warring factions together.

A decisive loss for Israel

Israel's objectives from the war on Gaza were set long before its launch: to remove the Hamas movement and government, achieve the reinstallation of the Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas, in Gaza, and end the armed resistance.