Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tags Governor Jerry Brown

Tag: Governor Jerry Brown

Pushing back against San Francisco’s racialized criminalization of drug use

The Board of Supervisor’s Public Safety Committee held a hearing on Thursday, April 11, in support of ​California State Assembly Bill 362​, which would authorize a three-year pilot program allowing San Francisco to open overdose prevention sites where injection drug users could safely use pre-obtained drugs and access recovery services.

Folsom hunger strike begins today, May 25 – your support is...

On May 16, inmates at Old Folsom State Prison made contact with the outside world to announce that they will begin a hunger strike on May 25 in response to ongoing mistreatment, dehumanization and unbearable living conditions at Old Folsom. When incarcerated people take action to fight for their dignity, their rights and their lives, those of us on the outside must answer with solidarity. Our support is crucial in getting their demands met and minimizing retaliation against them. We must let these brave individuals know that we have their backs, and that they will not be forgotten.

Gov. Brown tries to justify unconstitutional prison overcrowding, backslides on Corrections...

The state of California filed another response to the federal court order to reduce dangerous overcrowding in California’s prisons, urging the court to end the 137.5 percent population cap. Gov. Brown’s 2013-14 budget echoes comments earlier this week that the administration has deserted plans to shrink California’s over-sized prison population, ignoring clear messages from voters.

My husband, my hero: The story of a prisoner labeled ‘worst...

Imagine you were framed again by prison gang officers using a tattoo you got as a child and a symbol in a birthday card to “validate” you as a “prison gang associate” and label you “worst of the worst” and placed in segregation in a Security Housing Unit, or SHU, for years on end. That is what happened to my childhood best friend and husband, Robbie Riva.