Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Brain cancer biomonitoring in Bayview Hunters Point

The injustice continues with Ahimsa Porter Sumchai’s ongoing exposure of the relentless suffering and death attacking the residents of Bayview Hunters Point – the result of the U.S. Navy’s poisoning the land with no cleanup or accountability, handing it off to profiteering developers, years of government and corporate corruption and greed, and crimes against humanity, culminating in three federal Superfund sites now confirmed.

Hunters Point demands a voice on shipyard cleanup: Reinstate the RAB...

Called the most contaminated site in the United States and despite a moratorium on further condo construction on Parcel A, the only part of the shipyard approved for development, the massive excavation project pictured here is currently occurring at the perimeter of the Parcel E-2 landfill. Reinstating the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) would require the Navy and EPA to explain why they are allowing this dangerous project to occur.