Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Tags Liberate our Caged Elders campaign

Tag: Liberate our Caged Elders campaign

Liberate the Caged Voices: Where’s the humanity?

“Where is the humanity in that?” asks Nube Brown who pulls the lens in tight on the inhumane policies of the Prison Industrial Slave Complex perpetrated on all human beings suffering prison atrocities of torture, dehumanization, exploitation, extraction, starvation, death by health neglect and physical abuse, while making billions off the backs of those they hold captive.

Liberate the Caged Voices

No one is coming to save us or our loved ones. Soon we move from the terror and inequities of 2020 into undeniably more of the same in 2021, and we are reminded that change is upon us, and up to us to drive our unstoppable force of We the People to use the truth we hold in our gut to join our incarcerated brothers and sisters to end the oppression of control and modern day slavery.