Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Matter of life and death

Tag: matter of life and death

Alabama prisoners on strike NOW!

Prisoners throughout the Alabama Department of Corrections system are refusing to work during this month of January. At great risk to themselves, they are exposing twice-designated unconstitutional conditions, which continue to such degree of inhumanity and torture that they will no longer be tolerated. The educated public is urged to support the strike and boycott prison contract services feeding the capitalist-imperialist colonist slave-holding system.

An insider tour of the Hunters Point Community Biomonitoring Program

The ongoing reveal of the life-threatening contaminants plaguing the residents of the Bayview Hunters Point community was further enhanced by a recent virtual tour by Dr. Ahimsa Porter Sumchai and Dr. Mark Alexander imparting first-hand knowledge to attendees, including first-year UCSF medical students. Information focused on the toxic elements adding weight to the body burden as revealed by the biomonitoring program testing being done within the community.