Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Murdered

Tag: murdered

Living within a lie

Countering the lying propaganda Americans have been fed about the U.S. not being a racist country, critical race theory could be an opportunity to learn the truth about American racism and inspire to make the changes necessary.

Rep. Barbara Lee marks 100th anniversary of Tulsa Greenwood Massacre, calling...

Past Due. Immediate material reparations to survivors and descendants of the Tulsa Greenwood Massacre are essential to begin healing and repair for the intentional death and destruction caused.

Alabama prisoners on strike NOW!

Prisoners throughout the Alabama Department of Corrections system are refusing to work during this month of January. At great risk to themselves, they are exposing twice-designated unconstitutional conditions, which continue to such degree of inhumanity and torture that they will no longer be tolerated. The educated public is urged to support the strike and boycott prison contract services feeding the capitalist-imperialist colonist slave-holding system.

Gov. Brown commits crimes against prisoners’ humanity for guards’ campaign contributions

Gov. Jerry Brown, good ol’ boy of the 21st century prison industrial slave complex, your silence does not excuse you for your crimes against our humanity. You are an overseer of CDCr prisons and we have evidence that clearly shows prisoners have been murdered, beaten and tortured throughout these solitary confinement units by CDCr officials who are subordinate to you.