Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Nation magazine

Tag: Nation magazine

Low-key race war

The birth of our nation is still bleeding, hemorrhaging actually, and we don’t know if the sirens we hear in the distance are those of the KKKops to apply the knee or a bullet, or an ambulance with a tourniquet and new blood.

Troubled legacy: a review of Nate Parker’s ‘Birth of a Nation’

Perhaps the reason why Nat Turner is almost completely buried within documented and oral histories is connected to the fear his rebellion caused in the Southampton and by extension the Southern antebellum community. Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation” visits this story as Donald Trump draws a white male constituency very much in keeping philosophically with the angry mob who tear the flesh from the iconic Prophet Nat Turner’s body.

Culture of violence

General measures could move the cultural discussion and peoples’ behaviors in the right direction, whereas a focus on restricting gun ownership – except for people who fit appropriate medico-legal exclusion criteria – will probably worsen our cultural crisis, increase discrimination and police attacks, and increase the danger of greater social violence and chaos.