Thursday, April 25, 2024


Third Street Stroll …

MY GOODNESS, here we are in November, and WORLD SERIES PLAY! There was a time when the game was played in early October! NY METS vs KANSAS CITY ROYALS – BACK TO BACK FOR THEM! – GIANTS BEAT THEM LAST YEAR! Before one can hardly catch their breath, the WARRIORS have kicked off their 2015-16 season; seems 2017 their NEW home will bring them BACK to the City, Mission Rock, 16th and Third, 40 blocks away from my corner of town!

Third Street Stroll

THIRD STREET, starting from Mariposa north, IS BUSY! Reigning World Series Champion San Francisco GIANTS are home for another season at AT&T Park – 3rd and King Streets. Crowds gather at The Yard, Third and Terry Francois, and within two blocks of AT&T, the NEW Mission Bay POLICE HEADQUARTERS (beautiful building) and Public Fire Safety Building, exemplified by the LARGE FIRE BELL out front.