Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Tags Criminalize

Tag: criminalize

Encampment bans on stolen land

The roofless condition has grown to such proportions that the settler colonizers are designating it out of control. Tiny Garcia walks us through herstory and draws a clear picture of what is truly out of control and why the horrors of Columbus have been replaced by the honor of Indigenous Peoples Day.

Kev Epps talkin’ about his new film ‘Solutions Not Suspensions’

Frisco filmmaker Kevin Epps is at it again with his weapon of choice, his camera. This time, the “Straight Outta Hunters Point” filmmaker just released his new film, “Solutions Not Suspensions,” which takes a look at who is being suspended from the San Francisco Unified School District and under what circumstance. He is taking a stand on an issue that does not get a lot of attention in our community.