Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tags Obie Anthony

Tag: Obie Anthony

Governor veto of prosecutor misconduct bill criticized

Assemblymember Tom Ammiano released this statement on Sept. 29 in response to Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of Ammiano’s AB 885, a bill that would have created a modest sanction in the courts for prosecutors who try to win trials by withholding evidence. “I’m not just disappointed at the governor’s veto of this bill, I’m angry,” Ammiano said.

Ammiano’s bill on prosecutor misconduct goes to governor

On Aug. 29, the California Assembly approved AB 885 by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, passing a milestone measure to limit trial misconduct by prosecutors. The bill would allow judges to inform a jury when a district attorney has been found to have intentionally withheld significant evidence. The bill’s next step is to go to Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk.