Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Palm oil

Tag: palm oil

Belize Territorial Volunteers discover palm oil, cornfields encroaching on border

On a recent morning, after almost three hours of a rough road journey to the village of Dolores on the Southern Belize-Guatemala border, a group of Belize Territorial Volunteers began a strenuous hike to the borderline. Just before reaching the border, the group was met by Organization of American States representatives who informed them they had reached the borderline and warned them not to proceed further west.

India emerges as leader in 21st century ‘Scramble for Africa’

“Africa shining” is just as potent a mirage as “India shining”; the shine is restricted to the economic and political elite on both sides of the Indian Ocean. African leaders – both elected politicians and traditional chiefs share the responsibility for allowing the pillage of their continent in the name of economic growth and development.