Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Progressive Democrats of America

Tag: Progressive Democrats of America

‘Political revolution in action’: National pro-Bernie coalition launches unified voter mobilization...

A diverse coalition of progressive advocacy groups has launched what it is billing as “the largest independent mobilizing commitment for any candidate” in order to turn out an additional 1.4 million voters in a slate of key primary states on behalf of Sen. Bernie Sanders and the working class movement his campaign has built.

What will Bernie delegates do in Philadelphia?

The first major survey of Bernie Sanders delegates reveals big concerns about Hillary Clinton’s pending choice of a vice presidential candidate, with many delegates expressing their willingness to publicly denounce prospective running mates and even protest on the convention floor. I spoke to Jeff Cohen of RootsAction after they released the survey results.

Taser community forums raise unanswered questions

Police Chief Greg Suhr and the SF Police Commission finally scheduled and held the required community forums, where Suhr and Comdrs. Richard Corriea and Mikail Ali described the Electronic Control Weapon (ECW) proposal and invited community input. This updated story includes a report on the Tenderloin community forum, organized by residents. All testimony was anti-taser.