Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Revolt

Tag: revolt

Imprisoned in ‘Sundown Towns’: The racial politics of my domestic exile

Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson’s illumination about the creation of race for the purpose of capitalism’s necessity to control the masses could not be more clear.

Haiti Revolution, sparks for freedom

The Haitian people, in self-determination and the arms of the sacrifices of the ancestors, seek the next step in their protracted fight for freedom.

1971: Attica prison rebellion

Against the background of the mass revolutionary Black power and prisoners’ movements in the U.S., a four day revolt began on Sept. 13, 1971, at the Attica Correctional Facility near Buffalo, N.Y. Its repression killed 39 people. When George Jackson, Black Panther and political prisoner, was murdered at San Quentin by the guards on Aug. 21, 1971, his book “Soledad Brother” was being passed from prisoner to prisoner and tensions were running mounting. A prisoners’ rights movement was growing.

Africa for the Africans: U.S.-Euro forces out of Libya and Cote...

“All of our institutions have failed us if they do not use their power and act against this crime against humanity being carried out in Africa today. I received a call this morning from an Ivorian friend who calls it genocide what Sarkozy’s troops are doing there. Blood, blood, everywhere. Depleted uranium in Libya. Generations to come will suffer the health effects. We must try to stop President Obama. He has the power to say no. So far, he is good at saying yes to all the wrong people. So we must do more than we think we can. Anything less places more blood on everyone’s hands.” - Cynthia McKinney

Egypt revolution youth form national coalition

The uprising in Egypt has been widely attributed to the youth primarily because of their Jan. 25 Internet initiative to rally against police brutality using their "We are all Khaled Said" Facebook page that commemorates a young man beaten to death by police.