by Roderick McKissick
This is an extremely important matter that must be brought to the people’s attention because for an extended period of time Black men and women have been victimized in Georgia Department of Corrections’ racially corrupt prison system, and our complaints are obviously falling upon deaf ears or are simply disregarded.
This is my sincere attempt to expose the illegal hate crimes that are specifically designed and targeted towards Black victims and executed by corrupt white prison officials, authorities and officers at Telfair State Prison. This complaint is addressed to Warden David Frazier and Deputy Warden Samuel Sanders of Security.
Correctional Officer White openly admitted he was an “alleged ex-member of the Klu Klux Klan” and on May 5, 2012, intentionally made racial statements: Officer White was asked, “Why did you tell us that you’re KKK? You must still be with that racist shit?” White walked up to the door of cell 421 stating in a hostile manner, “You know you’s a nigger.”
He was asked, “Who are you talking to like that?” and responded, “His dumb ass,” while pointing at cell 419. He then went to the 419 cell door and said, “Why do it always gotta be crackers? Why can’t it be nigger?” He walked away and returned moments later and stated, “Why can’t it be nigger? Huh? Why can’t I be a nigger?”
Officer White circulated mendacious rumors about several of the prisoners who heard this in violation of Georgia Standard Operating Procedures (GSOP) I Vol4-0001 5,6 (a.b.), 17 (b), 20, 27, and 29 (b). For encouraging hate crimes under color of state law, he is unequivocally responsible for his illegal racial activities.
Officer White was asked, “Why did you tell us that you’re KKK? You must still be with that racist shit?” White walked up to the door of cell 421 stating in a hostile manner, “You know you’s a nigger.”
Under GSOP II A07-0002 0.2-3,4:
2. Inmates and probationers shall not be addressed by their inmate or probationer number, nicknames or first names.
3. The use of ethnic or racially derogatory words or names towards or in the presence of inmates or probationers is strictly prohibited.
4. Profanity should not be directed towards inmates or probationers.
Not only are the racist actions of Officer White and others in violation of GSOP GDC (Georgia Department of Corrections) Rules 125-2-1-01, 125-2-1-07, 125-3-2-06 (3) and 125-4-6-03, but they are illegal in accordance to Official Code of Georgia (OCGA) 42-5-16 and 42-5-18.
In addition to the verbal abuse, officers illegally physically abuse prisoners frequently by spraying them with harsh chemicals and assaulting them with batons, electric shields and any other device they want to utilize as a weapon against inmates.
It is a common practice that prison officers, authorities and officials will spray an inmate, handcuff him, come in his cell to assault him and then carry him in a place which is identified as “behind the glass,” where they further violently assault him, and few can see what is going on. However, you can actually hear the blows, kicks, punches and electricity of the shields, but most of all the excruciating screams of the victims until they are beaten unconscious.
Prison authorities conceal the atrocious racial acts of violence and disguise them as if they are doing their jobs. They fabricate statements, documents and medical records and erase footage of recordings of these incidents. Some Black prison officials who have been present in a few incidents passively watched without comment or even attempted to terminate these diabolical crimes. But because the warden outranks them, these horrible acts of racial violence continue to occur.
When family members are informed of these evil activities, officials falsify statements and openly lie to them so they will not respond by getting higher authorities involved. The truth be told, these are strategically orchestrated hate crimes specifically designed and targeted toward Black men and Black women by racist and prejudiced whites who in some cases are members of the same families, organizations, sororities or fraternities. They attend the same functions, celebrations, social gatherings, holiday gatherings and orgies; therefore, it is extremely unusual for them to speak out against one of their own kind or their illegal activities.
You can actually hear the blows, kicks, punches and electricity of the shields, but most of all the excruciating screams of the victims until they are beaten unconscious.
On May 11, 2012, Warden David Frazier sent an old memorandum dated Oct. 18, 2011, indicating that cosmetics and other items will be confiscated from inmates in F-building, which is discriminatory and in violation of GDC rules and regulations 125-3-2-04 (i-4), specifically targeting Blacks who occupy the majority of the cells in F-building. Lotion, baby oil and grease or Vaseline are utilized to treat dry skin and prevent cracking. Shampoo and hair grease is utilized to treat dandruff and/or other scalp conditions. These are health issues and an Eighth Amendment cruel and unusual punishment violation and discrimination because inmates are not being allowed to have health care products to treat their skin nor hair.
I sincerely hope that the appropriate authorities will be notified and these unconstitutional and illegal acts terminated immediately in accordance to GDC rules and regulations that Warden Frazier and other prison authorities are intentionally violating.
Roderick McKissick is a prisoner at Telfair State Prison, P.O. Box 549, Helena, GA 31037.