Making connections: South Africa’s Your True Standpoint links with Krip Hop Nation

by Phumlani aka Wacko Banda

Hip-hop-in-South-Africa, Making connections: South Africa’s Your True Standpoint links with Krip Hop Nation, Culture Currents I’m the co-founder of G-Tazz Records and the Zululand Gospel Choir. I’ve loved hip hop music since I was young. We used to be a group of young boys and girls doing hip hop dance and music. Some people didn’t like what we were doing because we were sending a good message to the youth.

Then I was stabbed next to my spinal cord. I used a wheelchair for a year. Fortunately I’m walking today, although I limp. But I thank God for that.

Now I’m behind the scenes working hard to uplift other talented youth here in South Africa. We came up with a theme focusing on what you are good at with my big brother Johannes for Your True Standpoint. You can join our page on Facebook and Your True Standpoint page as well.

It is a great pleasure for us at Your True Standpoint to link with Krip Hop Nation, an organization of great stature and deep ethical values. We highly appreciate Krip Hop Nation as the voice of the voiceless. It restores pride and recognition to the unrecognized and often silenced yet very effective segment of society: people with disabilities. We see Krip Hop Nation carrying an intrinsic ability to change the mindset of many people around the world towards people with disabilities.

Johannes-Kumalo, Making connections: South Africa’s Your True Standpoint links with Krip Hop Nation, Culture Currents In essence the parallels between the YTS family and Krip Hop Nation can be drawn from shared values evident from YTS’ call for power in unity. It is from this point of view that our mantra, “We would rather have one hand from a hundred people than two hands from one person,” seems to resonate with great intensity the need for us to join hands with an organization such as Krip Hop Nation.

It is our desire to work with Krip Hop Nation on the initiative we have recently introduced, “Focusing on What You Good @.” It is still in the initial stages, yet its potential is exponential, and that is where we feel we find a common denominator with Krip Hop Nation: Fighting poverty by recognizing and grooming identified talents while at the same time creating opportunities for them is the fervent passion driving this initiative.

Your True Standpoint is a South African registered organization (CK2012/123/4567) with a vision to positively influence and equip every individual or organizations that we make acquaintance with through various concerted efforts at alleviating poverty.

We understand and acknowledge that every individual and organization on earth has a purpose for existence that needs to be discovered and fulfilled. No person or organization is on the face of the earth by accident, but every individual or organization is created to solve a unique problem. We endeavor to help realize each individual’s full potential. This is intended to address the pandemic of poverty that has prevented many people from living to their full potential.

Phumlani-Wackomagic-Banda-co-founder-of-Zululand-Gospel-Choir, Making connections: South Africa’s Your True Standpoint links with Krip Hop Nation, Culture Currents YTS is on a mission to reach out to all nations to the ends of the earth, equipping and building through all mediums and tools of communication whilst revealing mankind’s true purpose on earth and equipping mankind in the seven mountains of:

          • Business
          • Government
          • Education
          • Arts and entertainment
          • Religion
          • Media
          • Family

YTS not only proclaims but seeks to manifest the divine favor that humans have been ordained to walk under. We share much joy with those individuals throughout the earth who have been rightly positioned to wage war against poverty.

YTS fully values the input of all its members and recognizes the efforts of all its associates and partners. The website is still being worked on, so contact us – Phumlani Wackomagic Banda and Johannes S. Kumalo – at

Editor’s note: From the Your True Standpoint page on Facebook come these words of wisdom by Phumlani Wackomagic Banda: “At the end of life, we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by ‘I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless and you took me in.’ Hungry not only for bread – but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing – but naked of human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a home of bricks – but homeless because of rejection.”

Zululand-Gospel-Choir-performing-live1, Making connections: South Africa’s Your True Standpoint links with Krip Hop Nation, Culture Currents

Help the Zululand Gospel Choir accept an invitation to tour Europe

The Zululand Gospel Choir is the only choir from South Africa invited to perform at the Summer Soul and Gospel Festival in Germany in June 2013. If they can raise the $3,800 they need, the 27 choir members can accept that invitation and extend their tour to Cologne, Berlin, France and U.K. during July and August.

“To all Africans all over the world, please assist us by sponsoring our tour,” say choir founders Franklyn Mkhize and Phumlani Wacko Banda, who are appealing for the funds they need for airfare and meals in Europe. “We believe that our lives will never be the same, as we are so confident that we will represent Africa very well.” Sponsors will be mentioned in all interviews, they pledge.

If you can help, contact Franklyn by phone at 084 573 5494 or email at or Phumlani at 079 961 5775 or phumlani20@gmail.