by the Afro-Venezuelan Movement Against Racism and Fascism
We, Afro-descendants of Venezuela, meeting in the city of Caracas, express our condemnation of the rise of fascism and racism led by Henríquez Capriles Randonski and leaders of the Venezuelan far right in not accepting the results of the April 14 elections that led to the victory of the candidate of the homeland, Nicolas Maduro Moros.
Once again, Black communities gave their total support to our candidate, Nicolas Maduro. From Ocoyta (Windward) to Bobures (South Lake), from Veroes (Yaracuy) to Osma (Vargas State), from the Valles del Tuy to San Juan de los Morros, from Paria to Carabobo, we reaffirmed our revolutionary commitment of the past 14 years.
By attacking the symbols of social progress of the Bolivarian process, including the CDI (dental clinics), the health care centers of Barrio Adentro Missions, MERCAL (stores selling subsidized food and basic goods) and the offices of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), they are expressing the vilest and basest intentions of rolling back the gains made by the Venezuelan people during the 14 years of the Bolivarian process led by President Chavez.
The losing candidate’s refusal to accept the results of the April 14 election is proof of the undemocratic spirit which refuses to comply with the decision of the Venezuelan people to elect Nicolas Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. A true democrat abides by the popular mandate. His refusal shows contempt for the people, an attitude that corresponds to his fascist, classist and racist character, an enemy of life and love.
We call on organized nuclei and to the people in general of Afro-Venezuelan and Afro-descendant communities across the country to defend the gains of the Bolivarian process and reject the fascist and racist aggression led by Primero Justicia, Alianza Bravo Pueblo, Democratic Action, COPEI (a Christian democratic party) and other members of the MUD (Democratic Unity Roundtable).
At the same time, we urge all the leaders of the Bolivarian process to involve themselves in community work, abandon bureaucratic positions, and to restructure the Venezuelan state in order to deepen and develop participatory democracy with three specific mandates: government efficiency, anti-corruption measures and implementation of micro-missions (projects to give more power to the people and make government more efficient), as called for by President Chavez in October 2012.
Long live democracy! Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!
For a country free from racism and fascist terrorism!
With Chavez always, Maduro is the president!
To reach the Afro-Venezuelan Movement Against Racism and Fascism, email Jesus Chucho Garcia at
Victory to the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution: US imperialism hands-off Venezuela!
by the Black Left Unity Network, in response to the statement by the Afro-Venezuelan Movement Against Racism and Fascism
The Black Left Unity Network (BLUN) salutes the victory of Nicolas Maduro Moros as the new and democratically elected president of Venezuela.
We stand in revolutionary solidarity with the statement issued by the Afro-Venezuela movement that pledges its continued support to the objectives of the revolutionary process in Venezuela and the election of President Maduro.
The struggles and voices of Afro-Venezuelans represent the deepest sentiments for democracy and social transformation and were critical to this victory and the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela that was led by Comrade President Hugo Chavez.
We will never forget the immediate response by the Venezuelan people led by President Chavez to the tragedy triggered by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast and the offer of major aid to assist the survivors remaining in the disaster area and those dispersed to all corners of the U.S. The U.S. government’s refusal of this aid and the aid offered by revolutionary Cuba, pointed out clearly how the U.S. government will sacrifice the lives of African descendants and poor people, before it will recognize the good deeds of governments that are anti-imperialist, truly democratic and building a society that benefits the needs of the majority, not the capitalist elites.
Even with the major changes and improvements made by the Venezuelan revolutionary process, the forces of counter-revolution are still part of the economic and racist elite in Venezuelan society. Their ties to U.S. imperialism make them a major threat to the revolutionary process. Combating and defeating their maneuvers remains part of the ongoing revolutionary process until this class is defeated.
African descendants in the U.S. know firsthand how elections are manipulated by the capitalist elites. They use their control of major media to try and place doubt in the minds of the people, trying to suggest voter fraud as has been the case so many times for candidates supported by Black people in the U.S. But in Venezuela, where the elections are structured in ways that safeguard and protect the democratic will of the majority, the capitalist elites have been combated in this arena.
The revolutionary struggle in Venezuela is critical to the revolutionary direction of building and expanding socialism throughout the Americas in the 21st Century. The organization and struggles of the Afro-Venezuelans as an identifiable and integral part of the Venezuela revolutionary process represents the further advance for socialism.
Through our efforts to rebuild a revolutionary Black movement in the U.S. we will ensure that African descendants in this country understand the common historical and political ties that bound our peoples together. For us there is no question that African descendant’s in the U.S. must be part of the defense of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, as U.S. imperialism assumes its historical role as a central force supporting and or initiating counter-revolution in Venezuela.
The BLUN commits to educate the Black working-class and to call on the activists and organizations in our network, to mobilize in defense of the Venezuelan Revolution as it is connected to the struggles of All African descendants against the impacts of the colonial, neo-colonial and imperialist past and present, and to further shaping the direction for a revolutionary social transformation throughout the Americas.
Victory to the ongoing Bolivarian Revolution!
To reach the Black Left Unity Network Continuations Committee, contact Ajamu Baraka at