by Terrance E. “Comrade T” White
Written June 6, 2013 – Yesterday at mail call I received two S.F. Bay View newspapers, March and April, along with the letter the lawyer [representing the Bay View] sent to the warden at PBSP. [Evidently, some issues of the Bay View had been withheld from subscribers in prisons other than Pelican Bay and Corcoran.] It does seem the only way we can win these battles we face is to continue to do it collectively through the court system.
Our fascist oppressors here at the North Kern state slave plantation are also following the same game plan as the oppressors who run the PBSP SHU (Pelican Bay State Prison Security Housing Unit). We understand that all the IGI (Institutional Gang Investigators) are in cahoots in all the gulags, be it SHU or AdSeg, and creating smoke screens is now the norm.
We New Afrikans are being investigated by IGI under the validation process with all the same excuses: reading and studying Comrade George L. Jackson or having pictures of a dragon or comrades whose names are in Swahili – calling them direct links to prison gangs by association. It seems every chance we get to go to our dog kennel cages they call yard we’re in a discussion about how frivolously us New Afrikans are being targeted for educating ourselves on the struggles the elders made before us throughout the prison diaspora.
I really don’t think all the fallen comrades would appreciate being labeled gang members for challenging oppressive slave conditions. How can ex-gang members who arrive in prison from the urban community who learn the importance of Black August resistance, the struggles our elders have endured behind enemy lines, what the Panthers represent, and all the revolutionary battles that have taken place throughout this country and abroad still be labeled as such?
I remember entering into prison back in 1995 for the first time and learning about our struggles from various New Afrikans. We as youngsters learned about Comrade George L. Jackson by reading “Soledad Brother” and “Blood in My Eye” and understood the struggles and that by studying we too could learn how to change our conditions.
The examples are to be acted upon with stiff resistance and by learning politics, economics, history, law, just to name a few, New Afrikans will be just as knowledgeable as their slave masters and will cease to allow their barbaric ways to continue.
Well, it seems even though George, William Christmas, W.L. Nolen and Joka Khatari are gone, the much needed struggles continue as a New Afrikan collective. And now you have ex-Crips and Bloods in study sessions learning our New Afrikan heritage, only to be victimized by our oppressors for changing our idealism into nationalism.
Being buried alive in these concrete tombs won’t distract us in the least, and we’re already prepared for the July 8 hunger strike and work stoppage. We will continue to struggle in solidarity with our New Afrikan nation and others, until all oppressed are free.
Dare to struggle, dare to win,
Comrade T, a servant of the people
Send our brother some love and light: Terrance E. White, AG-8738, D6-204, P.O. Box 5005, Delano CA 93216.