by Paradise Free Jah Love Supreme
Genesis 15:13,14: And the Lord said, “Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a strange land that is not their own. They will be forced into slavery and oppressed for 400 years. But I will terribly punish the nation that enslaves them, and they will leave with many great possessions.”
According to the timetables of most of our historians, enslaved Africans were first brought to this country in 1619. Amazingly, next year, 2019, will be exactly 400 years since we first set foot in that part of America called Virginia!.
According to Theodore W. Allen’s book, “The Invention of the White Race,” in 1619 there were no “white” people in America listed in colonial records. Nor would there be for another 60 years. The white race was established between 1675 and 1700. And Europeans first became “White by law” in 1691.
Mr. Allen goes on to say that the White Race was invented as a socio-political construct, designed to create a ruling class and bring the eternally warring factions of Europe together against a common enemy: people of color in general, Black people more specifically, and Black men in particular.
Why Black men in particular? Because, whereas a woman can on average bear no more than two children a year, a Black man has enough seeds, enough little Nubians and Ethiopians in his scrotum, to populate a whole planet or turn this galaxy into a chocolate Milky Way. Fear of a Black Planet!
Mr. Allen goes on to talk about The Great Assumption. The worldwide unquestioning and unthinking acceptance of the white identity of the European-American, of all classes, as a natural attribute, rather than a social construct.
Mr. Allen goes on to say that the White Race was invented as a socio-political construct, designed to create a ruling class and bring the eternally warring factions of Europe together against a common enemy: people of color in general, Black people more specifically, and Black men in particular.
This made me think about the absurdity of race. Sometimes the best place to hide something is to put it right in a person’s face. The Europeans created a “race.” An us against them mentality. A race against people of color, time, nature and God, to preserve the European from being wiped out by the vast majority of colored folk on this planet!
Although Europeans are more pink-colored than white, he associated himself with the ancient Afrakan concept of the purity of the White “Souled” Father God and turned him into the Great White Father God. And associated all Europeans with all things grand about whiteness. And thus made all things associated with Black bad, foul and evil.
He incorporated racism into the language with Snow White, dreaming of a White Christmas, white knights, the White House, white collar workers, white lies, Goldie Locks, fair maidens and fair skin. White skin is ethical, ethically “fair,” beautiful, implying that dark skin is unfair, ugly. Like the black plague, Black Death and the black sheep of the family.
And the Creature from the Black Lagoon and being blacklisted and blackballed and blackmailed (black maled) – and black cats are bad luck. He looked at his pale body beside all the world’s beautiful bodies of color and told you that you were savage and uncivilized for not wearing clothes. He neutralized you in uniforms and told you that to be naked was sinful and to be covered up is holy. Even though your dark bodies are like batteries that are energized by the sun. And the sun is pro-Black!
The Europeans created a “race.” An us against them mentality. A race against people of color, time, nature and God, to preserve the European from being wiped out by the vast majority of colored folk on this planet!
He started wearing business suits and ties, the uniform of white supremacy, whose business is racism. That’s what the Industrial Revolution was about – racing against other people and racing to get ahead, all the while unconscionably polluting the world. That’s what the Arms Race and the Space Race is about. Racing, racing, cringing, fear-driven racism.
I went to Sunday school as a boy one morning and the Sunday school teacher showed us three cards, one black, one white and one red. She said the white card represented purity, good, etc. etc. She said the red card represented the blood of Christ. And the black card represented evil, bad, foul, all things dirty and so on. I was but a youngster, but I didn’t go back to that church again because I wasn’t trying to indoctrinate myself with self-hate.
Racism is a grave mentally ill state of mind. The 21-gun salute came about because it took Napoleon 21 canon shots to shoot off the broad Afrakan nose of the ancient Egyptian Sphinx. Afrakan noses are carved and chiseled off of ancient Egyptian statues and monuments. Black icons like Betty Boop and Michael Jackson and other historical figures like Beethoven have been bleached and whitewashed by this sickness. Like white salt and white sugar and white flour and white rice … Ask your great great grandmother.
Why is vanilla ice cream white, when the vanilla bean that it comes from is black and dark brown? Because certain people couldn’t stand eating something that tasted so good and looked so black.
And I will never forget the story Paul Mooney told about the racist woman who was in such a deep stage of Alzheimer’s that not only did she not know who she was, she didn’t know her husband and couldn’t recognize her children. But when a Black nurse touched her, she swiped the nurse’s hand off her shoulder. She remembered her racism.
Racism is a grave mentally ill state of mind.
Thus with the fabrication of the White Race, other so called races were created, the Black Race, the Brown Race, the Red Race and the Yellow Race – fabrications that have us racing against each other. Let us delve a little deeper into the absurdity of race.
I once heard this poor brother enthusiastically trying to convince a group of people about the Spanish Race. And he talked so convincingly about it he almost had me believing him. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that Spain is a country where the Spanish language is spoken. And it is spoken in other parts of the world by other people who at one time were colonized by Spain.
All kinds of people speak Spanish – Black, white, Brown, Asian. Even a parrot can speak Spanish: “Arrrq. Que pasa.” But that doesn’t mean it’s a member of the Spanish race. Spanish is a language.
But I can understand the brother’s confusion. This race thing has everybody confused. What is an Eskimo, for example? Is he Asian, Caucasian or Indian? Tiger Woods would probably play great golf again if he accepted his African Identity. But he calls himself a Cablinasian?
Practically all of my adult life I’ve tried to find a single yellow person, looking at Asians like: Where’s the yellow? And who belongs to the Yellow/Asian Race? Hawaiians are considered Asian but many are dark skinned. Filipinos are Asian, but some have broad African noses and buttocks. East Indians are Asian, but many are blacker than many Africans.
And what is the brown race? Latinos? They don’t speak Latin. And they call you His-panic because when he sees your beautiful brown skin he-panics. But we also have brown Africans, brown Asians and brown Indians.
There is no race. And needn’t be one. But few have solved the great cosmic riddle of diversity: We are all Black. We are one.
We may not all be Original Black or Krystal Black. But we all come from black space, black skies, black stars, black universes, black holes, black matter, black earth, Black Afraka and Black People. We are all carbon units, black.
Just because you moved out of Afraka to a different region of the planet, where the climate and environment and other factors changed your complexion and features, doesn’t mean you are no longer black. When you see a white cockroach, you don’t assume that it is the father or mother of all the other black or dark cockroaches. When you see a red ant or a white ant, when you see a white, brown or red buffalo, you know that the white buffalo is an aberration and that it came from the black buffaloes.
There is no race. And needn’t be one. But few have solved the great cosmic riddle of diversity: We are all Black. We are one.
Check out season three Pops and Pals episode of Sanford and Son. Julio, the Puerto Rican, takes Fred and Lamont to a Mexican restaurant and greets the waiter by saying, “Que pasa, Negro?” What’s up, Black. That’s how they used to greet each other in the pre’-80s Chicano community.
It was an honor to be called Black and recognize your Afrakan identity. But today everybody wants to be anything but Black. I’ve even noticed a number of Black activists today feel much more comfortable using the term, “people of color.” It’s almost as if they want to take us back to being colored folks again.
A lot of people have given Rachel Dolezal a lot of flack over her being a European-America trying to take on an Afrakan Identity. I know where people are coming from and understand why they have a problem with her stand. But to me she is a pioneer. She’s doing what the whole world must wake up to and embrace, their Black/Afrakan roots.
I challenge everybody on planet earth to retrace their roots. You will find that the more you go back, the more you get Black. And Big Mama’s gracious bosom and loving arms are willing to welcome everybody back to Black.
There’s no shame in being a pale Afrakan, being albino or having a touch of albinism, unless your behavior is shameful. Because we all have ancestors and gods who are 50,000 shades blacker than midnight, who make us all look pale.
And more important than how much melanin you have on your behind, is how much melanin you have in your heart and soul and mind. Nevertheless, one way or another, everybody is going to have to bring their Black Madonnas out of the closet and face up and fess up to their Afrakan identity. To their Blackness. The sooner the better and the faster we will move toward peace on earth.
I challenge everybody on planet earth to retrace their roots. You will find that the more you go back, the more you get Black. And Big Mama’s gracious bosom and loving arms are willing to welcome everybody back to Black.
Resistance is futile. No matter how far you go out in space, no matter how deep you dive in the ocean, no matter how many broad noses you chisel off Afrakan statues, one way or another Black is going to get you. Love is going to get you. And your arms are too short to box with God.
You can’t stop the sun from rising or the stars from shining. Jah Time is coming. Everything is in Divine Order. Come correct because Mama Nature will send her universal antibodies to eliminate all destructive cancer viruses from her planet before she lets you completely destroy the earth and her children.
And you may soon find all the species and elements of the planet conspiring to rise up against you like they did in the movie “Avatar.” Remain in denial if you want to, but at the very least, global warming is going to make us all once again unmistakably … Black.
Paradise is president of the International Black Writers & Artists Local 5 in Oakland and was honored by the City of Oakland with “Paradise Day,” on Oct. 6, 2007. Find him on Facebook at Paradise Freejah Lovesupreme. Paradise says, “I spell Afraka with ‘Ra’ in the middle sometimes to imply a Black God centered Afraka.”