SFCTA seeks Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) services for the Yerba Buena Island (YBI) Westside Bridges Project



The San Francisco County Transportation Authority (Transportation Authority) invites Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified respondents to provide Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) services for the Yerba Buena Island (YBI) Westside Bridges Project. SOQs must respond to the specific scope of services described in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ 17/18-12), available at www.sfcta.org/contracting.

The YBI Westside Bridges (Project) encompasses eight existing bridge structures on the west side of YBI. These structures generally comprise a viaduct along Treasure Island Road, just north of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge (SFOBB). The Project limits along Treasure Island Road are from the SFOBB to approximately 2000-feet northward. This stretch of Treasure Island Road includes the bridge structures and portions of at-grade roadway.

The project purpose is to bring the bridge structures up to current seismic safety standards. To accomplish this, five structures will be seismically retrofitted, and three structures will be demolished and replaced with realigned roadway, an overcrossing structure, and new retaining walls.

The Transportation Authority will use a single-phase procurement process to select a CMGC to deliver the Project. This procurement process consists of issuing this RFQ to solicit SOQs from qualified contractors. The Transportation Authority will advertise the project to the general public, and all interested and qualified contractors will receive an RFQ. The Transportation Authority will not shortlist qualified contractors as a precursor to issuing the RFQ. The procurement process will include the following:

A) Procurement

This RFQ is issued as part of the single phase to solicit information, in the form of SOQs that the Transportation Authority will evaluate to determine which Proposers are qualified to successfully deliver the Project in a two-phase contract with a Contractor. The CMGC contractor is awarded a two-phase contract for the CMGC project and is responsible for providing preconstruction services under the first phase and, if a price agreement is reached, construction services under the second phase of such contract.

B) Contract Phase

Phase one – Pre-construction: A “Pre-Construction Services” contract which covers the intended professional services to be provided by the Contractor to assist with the design of the Project. This phase will utilize a Preconstruction Services Phase consulting contract for professional services. The Preconstruction Services Contract will be a reimbursement contract in an amount not to exceed $675,000.

Phase two – Construction: A “Construction Contract” to build the Project. This phase will utilize a construction contract to build the project. During this phase the Contractor will serve as the general contractor for the project. The Contractor must self-perform at least 30%, but not more than 70%, of the work during construction phase of the project. The Transportation Authority may issue one comprehensive work package contract for construction of the Project or the Transportation Authority may issue multiple work packages for construction of the Project. The Engineer’s cost estimate is approximately $55,300,000.

The Project is funded through the Federal Highway Bridge Program. There is no Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal established for the Pre-construction Phase of the Project, but a DBE goal will be established during the Pre-construction phase for the Construction Phase of the Project. The Transportation Authority highly encourages DBE and Small Business Enterprise participation during both Phases. A Class A contractor license is required and the successful proposer must pay prevailing wages.

Pre-Submittal Conference on July 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. Proposers and potential subconsultants are encouraged to attend the pre-submittal conference. Attendees are requested to confirm attendance by completing the online registration form at www.sfcta.org/contracting by 5:00 p.m. the day before the conference.

Questions due by July 24, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Questions may be submitted in writing by e-mail to info@sfcta.org; please include “RFQ 17/18-12 YBI Westside Bridges CMGC” in the subject line. The Transportation Authority’s responses will be posted to www.sfcta.org/contracting by July 30, 2018, and any addenda to the RFQ will be made available on that webpage prior to the SOQ due date.

SOQs are due to the Transportation Authority offices by August 10, 2018 at 2:00 p.m.