Afrikans deserve Reparations! ‘Cause Black lives truly matter! Asé
by Baba Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at
6258 AAC (July 2018 JC-PG)
Greetings of IMANI (FAITH) Esteemed G-o-ds, Co-conSPIRITors, and Brilliant, Bold and Beautiful Leaders,
May our Divine Mother-Father Creator of and in All – and beloved Ancients and Ancestors from yesteryears and yesterday – find you and (y)our relations thriving and in healing Spirit. Asé.
At this moment, WE are remembering and honoring some of the incredible souls who have recently departed this life, including RICHARD BROWN, our outstanding community leader, former member of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and falsely-accused and acquitted political prisoner. Services for Baba Richard will be held on Friday, 21 July, 10 am, at Third Baptist Church, 1399 McAllister (at Pierce), in San Francisco’s Feel-Mo district. Asé.
We also remember and honor revolutionary and Attorney-for-Justice LEWIS MYERS, in Chicago; LOUIS FARRAKHAN JR., the eldest son of Queen Mother Khadijah and Elder Minister Louis Farrakhan Sr., leader of the Nation of Islam, also in Chicago; and JALAL MANSUR NURIDDIN, co-creator and original member of one of our favorite Black Power groups The Last Poets; and, RALPH MCDANIEL PAIGE, former director of our Federation for Southern Cooperatives/Emergency Land Fund, which helped thousands of Black farming families keep their land.
Also, this Fourth of July, our family is commemorating the 95th sacred Birthday of our beloved Ancestor who birthed us and nurtured our lives, God(dess) Mother ELIZABETH ELIZANN OAKS ARMSTRONG. Asé.
WE welcome home God(dess) Debbie Africa to her family and our movement! A leader in our MOVE collective, based in Philadelphia, she was finally released on this Soweto Remembrance Day, 16 June, after enduring nearly 40 years of an unjust conviction and decades of torture. Though no evidence was ever produced, the then mother of three children and pregnant God(dess) Debbie, along with eight other members of MOVE, were falsely convicted for the alleged killing of one of the numerous police officers who attacked their communal home, in August of 1978.
Her husband, G-o-d Mike Afrika, Sr. – as well as God(desses) Janet Africa and Janine Africa, and G-o-ds Delbert Africa, Charles (or Chuck) Africa and Eddie Africa – remain confined. It is our responsibility to continue advocating for their immediate release! While preparing for their return, WE should also support their families.
Let us remember to shout-out the names of Ancestors MERYL AFRICA and PHIL AFRICA, whose health and lives were stolen after many years of repressive confinement by the state of Pennsylvania. To learn more, go to FREE ALL OUR POLITICAL LEADERS! REPARATIONS NOW!
WE offer our CONGRATULATIONS to our incredible leaders and community members who offered their extraordinary visions, experience and service to the people in the June elections! Asante Sana (Many Thanks) to Richmond City Councilmember Jovanka Beckles, who will need our full support to win the important November run-off for 15th Assembly District; Attorney Pamela Price, for her valiant effort to defeat incumbent Nancy O’Malley for Alameda County District Attorney; long-time activist, labor leader and socialist Gloria La Riva who ran for Governor of California, on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket; former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, for her insightful campaign for Lieutenant Governor; San Francisco Board President London Breed, for her victory and upcoming installation as Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco; Ben Jealous, who has an opportunity to become Governor of Maryland; and, socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for U.S. Congress for her stunning upset of an entrenched Democrat in Bronx, New York.
I hope that you will always consider my mantra developed decades ago … that it is not simply the man, woman, color or sex that is the key factor in any election or office. Indeed, it is OUR AGENDA that is critical! And, it is not if WE support this or that candidate. The question is: DO THEY SUPPORT US, AND OUR JUST PRIORITIES AND PLATFORMS, IN WORD AND ACTION? Asé.
“F-U Border Patrols!
It’s you, not me
You’re the f…in’ “alien” that’s “illegal”
As is this terrorist system you represent
Enforcing this unjust (white) occupation
Of our Indigenous, Chicano and New Afrikan nations.”
From the song “F-U Illegal Alien Border Patrols!” with music and lyrics by Jahahara, COPYRIGHT © (P) 1983 written while being interrogated along with brown-skinned “immigrants” in El Paso, Texas, during my travels from Chicago to Los Angeles.
The centuries-long European and American (“white”) terrorist, exploitive and racist wars against our Afrikan, Indigenous and Chicano nations – now implemented in the U.S. by the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties – intensifies! Most recently, there has been outrage from many circles regarding the U.S. government’s fascistic capturing, trafficKKKing, jailing and breaking-up of mostly immigrant families at the imperialist “southern border”; and the inhumane kidnapping and selling of children to companies, institutions and the “foster care” industry. WE condemn these latest evil acts as continuing crimes against humanity!
These current violations of human rights – and the so-called “zero tolerance” racist (im)migration practices enacted by the would-be “emperor” Donald Trump and his confederate Attorney General Jeff Sessions – come at the same time that the U.S. has withdrawn from the United Nations’ “Human Rights Council.” But, these current crimes are not “new.”
For several decades, multi-million dollar federal and local governments, and corporations – like Core Civic, fka Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), The GEO Group and other companies – have profited billions of dollars off the mass incarceration of black, brown, younger and immigrant people. For sure, their “stock” on Wall Street has risen substantially with the selection of Trump as (p)resident.
However, WE can trace the phenomena of “official” lock-‘em-up policies to both Republicans like Nixon, Reagan and Bush, as well as Democrats like Bill Clinton (who helped criminalize millions) in their “wars” on drugs, crime, terrorism and illegal immigration. And, while as president, Barack Obama did grant the release of several thousand wrongfully-sentenced individuals, he continued the policies, and especially the lucrative CONTRACTS, that prevented the unchaining of millions of mostly black and brown people caught up in the wicked criminal injustice system who deserved justice, release from confinement, freedom, righteous opportunities and Reparations. And, Obama also deported more immigrants than Bush or Trump.
Certainly, WE must trace the origins of the current kidnapping, selling and breaking up of families to the centuries of European and U.S. wars, genocide, enslavement, auctioning of humans, colonization and robbery of Afrikan and Indigenous nations – and others, like Japanese Americans, who were burglarized and unjustly herded into concentration camps by fascists like President Franklin D. Roosevelt, just a few decades ago. These imperialist corporate government crimes are why I refer to the U.S. as the united capitalist prison terrorist states of america.
It is imperative that our movements turn this current mass outrage into consistent independent action. WE can and must build the broad Unity, strength and power to force a reckoning of these historical facts, build a true mass political party for the people, and implement real political, economic, internationalist and Reparations solutions.
In so doing, WE should demand an immediate re-connecting of parents with their children! The dropping of all criminal charges against those seeking asylum here – and fleeing from the U.S. imperialist-sponsored political and economic terrorism in their own nations!
We demand adequate housing, food, water, education and prompt hearings for all the affected families! Forcing the devastating U.S. military and corporations out of the nations to our south – and around the world. And, amnesty, equal rights and “citizenship” to all who seek a better life for themselves and their children! Asé.
Amen-RA Hotep!
#BlackLivesMatter #AfricansDeserveReparations #FreeOurPeople #LoveandDefendMotherEarth
Jahahara is a Baba (Father), a “FREE-tired” community-labor-environmental and justice organizer, writer, musician and author of several books, including “Many Paths to Kujichagulia (Self-Determination).” Check out songs from his musical catalog at Reach him c/o or FONAMI, P.O. Box 10963, Oakland, CA 94610 usa.