Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Tags Genocide

Tag: genocide

We Charge Genocide: 70th anniversary

Looking at the reality of US government’s ongoing genocide being committed upon its own people.

The Bay View keeps it real for prisoners

Eric Martin, another partner with SF Bay View in keeping the conversation open inside and outside.

Don’t ignore the 2021 Tribunal on genocide

Salifu Mack opens another window into why sustained focus and education on the recent Verdict of ‘Guilty on All Counts’ by the International Tribunal’s Panel of Jurists is critical to liberation and self-determination.

Stream it live: International Tribunal of legal experts to judge U.S....

“This proceeding will establish overwhelming evidence that this country and its settler colonial predecessors have committed genocide, as defined by the United Nations, against Black, Brown and Indigenous People for over 400 years,” said Jihad Abdulmumit.

The Tribunal: Active, organized resistance and empowerment

The Tribunal will prove the fact that capitalism fueled by greed, corruption and racism is destroying the environment. It will show that the lives of Black, Brown and Indigenous people do not matter in the face of profits and the unbridled acquisition of wealth.

Pattern of practice – brutality, schemes and crimes against humanity since...

Mutope Duguma defines the path from 1619’s forced exportation of Afrikans through the 400-year evolving in the domestic colonized nation to New Afrikans in the protracted struggle of present day.

In the spirit of liberation for the people: a New Afrikan...

The people's liberation movement is global and requires unification of African, New Afrikan, Cuban, Haitian and all people who seek self-determination and sovereignty with the lens on critical analogy of our history and current conditions.

Extra-judicial killings, mass incarceration and government attacks on civilians: The elephant...

Herukhuti Sharif educates in depth how the colonizer design of the system, and collective socio-political illusions of the people, result in relentless harm and death to Black and vulnerable people.

In the spirit of Mandela: 2021 International Tribunal on US human...

The 2021 International Tribunal sets seeds for a people's judicial proceeding to act In the Spirit of Mandela taking the next steps in creating a world without oppression and brutality. “We are our own liberators” – Jalil Muntaqim

Wanda’s Picks: June 2021

Wanda Sabir has us feeling the moves of a reopening BA, remembering, revitalizing and honoring the fabric of our humanity and saving dates on calendars for the amazing events during June(teenth).

Living within a lie

Countering the lying propaganda Americans have been fed about the U.S. not being a racist country, critical race theory could be an opportunity to learn the truth about American racism and inspire to make the changes necessary.

A narrative of two American slaves

Slavery by any other name . . .

Slavery, historic trauma and the critical need for reparations

The U.S. Reparations Debt to Afrikan, New Afrikan and Black People is past due and should be tendered immediately in all forms requested and known by humans to be essential to live a full, safe and healthy life.

From E-RADication to Reparations

Students in the Deecolonize English Class are putting learning into action resisting RAD and denouncing displacement, incarceration and genocide.

Rwanda and Zaire (DRC) 1990 to 1997, where the US blocked...

What the US wanted, according to what the evidence shows much later, was for Kagame to seize power. It wanted to let his military campaign proceed and it wanted Tutsi genocide to serve as justification for that regime change.

Rusesabagina on trial and the shooting deaths of a Rwandan dissident...

While this story has all the same characters as the movie “Hotel Rwanda,” it is not about the movie. This is Ann Garrison’s report about the current lived experience of the movie’s real-life hero, Paul Rusesabagina, being detained last year and going to trial last week under the charge of terrorism. Notorious for assassinations, attempted assassinations and other brutal authoritarian acts, Rwanda’s President Kagame is now also accused of violating US deportation and extradition law.

Liberate the Caged Voices

“Is this the life you want?” By design of the rich white slaver writers, the Constitution with the 13th Amendment to maintain free labor – then known as slavery, now identified as corporations – was constructed intentionally to support capitalism.

‘The man who heals women’ calls for an International Criminal Tribunal...

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Dr. Denis Mukwege is receiving death threats, and not for the first time. Dr. Mukwege has won the Nobel Peace Prize, the Sakharov Prize and a long list of other human rights awards for treating women victims of sexual violence used as a weapon in the resource wars that plague eastern Congo. He founded Panzi Hospital in Congo’s South Kivu Province for surgical and post-surgical treatment of victims.

Speak Creole!

The genocide against Black youths in Brazil is denounced, but we need more and more methods of international expression – on what is, in the best description by Professor Achille Mbembe, “Necropolitics.”

ISIS attacks in DR Congo: Latest phase of a Western cover...

In October 2017, a video calling for an Islamic State jihad in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) appeared online and in a few news reports. It was purportedly made in Beni Territory, within Congo’s North Kivu Province, where a phantom, so-called Islamist militia, the Allied Democratic Forces, has been blamed for massacres of the indigenous population that began in October 2014.