Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Debbie Africa

Tag: Debbie Africa

Delbert Africa: FREE!

MOVE member Delbert Africa, held in prison since the confrontation of Aug. 8, 1978, has walked out of a Pennsylvania prison after 42 years.

Mike Africa – FREE!

It has been 40 years since MOVE member Mike Africa has been able to walk the streets. Today, he can do so, because today he is free! A text from Mike Africa Jr. announced to the world the following: “FINALLY FREE! On Aug. 8th, 1978, my dad was taken away from me. On Oct. 23rd, 2018, I got him back. – #FREETHEMOVE9!” Mike Africa is a quiet, serious man, who has suffered extraordinary repression during his prison days. Mike Africa – Free!

‘Progressive DA’ Larry Krasner, you said you’d overturn wrongful convictions; what...

Given that Mumia’s next court hearing is on Oct. 29, two weeks away, many of us have felt that not enough attention has been paid to challenging Philadelphia’s widely hailed, new “liberal” District Attorney Larry Krasner. His deadly role in Mumia’s current legal proceedings in the Court of Common Pleas has not been understood by many Mumia supporters. We must pressure him to drop his opposition to Mumia’s current legal action aimed at giving Mumia new rights of appeal of his conviction.

The crimes of kidnapping and selling children are not new

At this moment, WE are remembering and honoring some of the incredible souls who have recently departed this life, including RICHARD BROWN, our outstanding community leader, former member of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense and falsely-accused and acquitted political prisoner. Services for Baba Richard will be held on Friday, 21 July, 10 am, at Third Baptist Church, 1399 McAllister (at Pierce), in San Francisco’s Feel-Mo district. Asé.

Aug. 8, 1978: MOVE members remain in prison 39 years later...

What happened to them on Aug. 8, the hellistic rain of police gunfire, beatings, rape threats and incarceration, was nothing compared to what they faced in Philadelphia courtrooms, where they were denied their every right, including their alleged right to self-representation, beaten again when they refused to attend their own legal lynchings, and then, the lynchpin – convictions, and common sentences before Judge Edwin Malmed of 30 to 100 years, for third degree murder?!

Debbie Africa invites you to The MOVE Organization Conference May 5-7

Everybody thinks they’re an expert on MOVE, but they’re not. So MOVE organized this opportunity for MOVE to tell people who MOVE is. On Friday, May 5, we’ll start with MOVE’s Belief, who John Africa is and why this system wants to exterminate us. On Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7, we’ll go into our history in detail, from the emergence of MOVE ‘til the present, covering years of police brutality, the trial of The MOVE 9 and the illegal 900-year sentence of The MOVE 9.