Dated Aug. 12, 2012
To whom it may concern and all California prisoners:
Greetings from the entire PBSP-SHU Short Corridor Hunger Strike Representatives. We are hereby presenting this mutual agreement on behalf of all racial groups here in the PBSP-SHU Corridor. Wherein, we have arrived at a mutual agreement concerning the following points:
1. If we really want to bring about substantive meaningful changes to the CDCR system in a manner beneficial to all solid individuals who have never been broken by CDCR’s torture tactics intended to coerce one to become a state informant via debriefing, that now is the time for us to collectively seize this moment in time and put an end to more than 20-30 years of hostilities between our racial groups.
2. Therefore, beginning on Oct. 10, 2012, all hostilities between our racial groups in SHU, ad-seg, general population and county jails will officially cease. This means that from this date on, all racial group hostilities need to be at an end. And if personal issues arise between individuals, people need to do all they can to exhaust all diplomatic means to settle such disputes; do not allow personal, individual issues to escalate into racial group issues!
3. We also want to warn those in the general population that IGI [Institutional Gang Investigators] will continue to plant undercover Sensitive Needs Yard (SNY) debriefer “inmates” amongst the solid GP prisoners with orders from IGI to be informers, snitches, rats and obstructionists, in order to attempt to disrupt and undermine our collective groups’ mutual understanding on issues intended for our mutual causes (i.e., forcing CDCR to open up all GP main lines and return to a rehabilitative-type system of meaningful programs and privileges, including lifer conjugal visits etc. via peaceful protest activity and noncooperation, e.g., hunger strike, no labor etc.). People need to be aware and vigilant to such tactics and refuse to allow such IGI inmate snitches to create chaos and reignite hostilities amongst our racial groups. We can no longer play into IGI, ISU (Investigative Service Unit), OCS (Office of Correctional Safety) and SSU’s (Service Security Unit’s) old manipulative divide and conquer tactics!
In conclusion, we must all hold strong to our mutual agreement from this point on and focus our time, attention and energy on mutual causes beneficial to all of us [i.e., prisoners] and our best interests. We can no longer allow CDCR to use us against each other for their benefit!
Because the reality is that collectively, we are an empowered, mighty force that can positively change this entire corrupt system into a system that actually benefits prisoners and thereby the public as a whole, and we simply cannot allow CDCR and CCPOA, the prison guards’ union, IGI, ISU, OCS and SSU to continue to get away with their constant form of progressive oppression and warehousing of tens of thousands of prisoners, including the 14,000-plus prisoners held in solitary confinement torture chambers – SHU and ad-seg units – for decades!
We send our love and respect to all those of like mind and heart. Onward in struggle and solidarity!
Presented by the PBSP-SHU Short Corridor Collective:
- Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa (Dewberry), C-35671, D1-117
- Todd Ashker, C-58191, D1-119
- Arturo Castellanos, C-17275, D1-121
- Antonio Guillen, P-81948, D2-106
And the Representatives Body:
- Danny Troxell, B-76578, D1-120
- George Franco, D-46556, D4-217
- Ronnie Yandell, V-27927, D4-215
- Paul Redd, B-72683, D2-117
- James Baridi Williamson, D-34288. D4-107
- Alfred Sandoval, D-61000, D4-214
- Louis Powell, B-59864, D1-104
- Alex Yrigollen, H-32421, D2-204
- Gabriel Huerta, C-80766, D3-222
- Frank Clement, D-07919, D3-116
- Raymond Chavo Perez, K-12922, D1-219
- James Mario Perez, B-48186, D3-124
Note: All names and the foregoing statement must be shown verbatim when used and posted on any website or other publication.
Send our brothers some love and light and solidarity. Write to them using the listed names, numbers and housing and add the address: P.O. Box 7500, Crescent City CA 95532. The Bay View sends them all our highest respect, appreciation and best wishes for this historic action.
This is the Agreement to End Hostilities as it was originally posted on the Bay View website, at, when it was written in 2012. The signers, the Best of the Best, are scattered throughout California’s 30-plus prisons, still not allowed to live and work together, CDCr still fearful of their legendary organizing ability. All of them are working toward release and deserve all the help and support we can give them. Send these brothers some love and light at their current addresses:
Todd Ashker, C58191, KVSP ASU 2-194, P.O. Box 5106, Delano, CA 93216
Arturo Castellanos, C17275, PBSP, P.O. Box 7500, Crescent City, CA 95532
Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa, C35671, Freedom Outreach, Fruitvale Station, P.O. Box 7359, Oakland, CA 94601
Antonio Guillen, P18948, SVSP, P. O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960-1050
Danny Troxell, B76578, CSP LAC, P.O. Box 8487, Lancaster, CA, 93539
George Franco, D46556, DVI, 2300 Kasson Rd, Tracy, CA 95304
Ronnie Yandell, V27927, CSP-SAC, P.O. Box 290001, Represa, CA 95671
James Baridi Williamson, D34288, SVSP D3-229, P.O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960
Alfred Sandoval, D61000, PBSP, P.O. Box 7500, Cresecent City, CA 95532
Louis Powell, B59864, CSP LAC, P.O. Box 4430, Lancaster, CA 93539
Alex Yrigollen, H32421, CSP SAC, P.O. Box 290001, Represa, CA 95671
Gabriel Huerta, C80766, Centinela, P.O. Box 901, Imperial, CA 92251
Frank Clement, D07919, KVSP, P.O. Box 5102, Delano, CA 93216
James Mario Perez, B48186, SVSP, P.O. Box 1050, Soledad, CA 93960
Paul Redd, free
Raymond Chavo Perez, rest in power