Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Death squad

Tag: death squad

From Haiti to Palestine: Same struggle, same fight

With pure heart and purpose in humanity the Palestinian-Haitian brothers Antoine and Georges Izméry left their legacy with the ongoing struggles for freedom in Haiti and Palestine.

Don’t let Ohio execute Keith LaMar (Bomani Shakur), framed and innocent...

Keith LaMar, also known as Bomani Shakur, is a prisoner in Ohio, condemned to death on false charges following the 1993 Lucasville Prison Uprising. Bomani is one of five men condemned to death after being railroaded through forced snitch testimony. They are known as the Lucasville Five. The following is an interview with Bomani from death row, recorded on March 7, 2014.

Greg Curry on Lucasville Uprising and 20th anniversary hunger strike demanding...

One big reason the story of Lucasville has to be told again and again is that not only did this tragic, desperate uprising lead to 10 deaths, but five men are still on death row and many more have been given lengthy sentences who declare their innocence. Here is the story in short of Greg Curry, one of the prisoners who received a life sentence even though he had nothing to do with the uprising or the murders.

In Haiti, reliving Duvalier, waiting for Aristide

The return of Jean Claude Duvalier, "Baby Doc," to Haiti as a free man was excruciating to veterans of the struggle that overthrew the 30-year dictatorship. The traumatizing symbolism of Duvalier’s return at Haiti’s weakest hour is an insult to the dead and an assault on the living.