Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags False testimony

Tag: false testimony

Ultimate injustice: The wrongful conviction of Donald Ray Young

Innocent, wrongfully convicted and purposefully sentenced to death at San Quentin, Donald Ray Young awaits his appeal currently pending in the Supreme Court of California, which can begin only after the trial record is certified as correct – by the trial court.

Darrell Lomax aka Malik Hasan on Death Row: I am innocent!

Even if imagined in its most reformed condition, the U.S.’s corrupt carceral system driven by capitalism and the manipulations of racist police, DAs, courts and lawyers with the intent to incarcerate by the thousands, and by any means possible, men and women who are Black, Brown, Indigenous and/or poor, and who are by the thousands, innocent.

Free Mumia, free Meek Mill, free them all!

The frame-up of rapper Meek Mill by Philadelphia cops bears a telling resemblance to the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Both stand as indictments of the entire injustice system. Recent revelations about the fraudulent arrest and imprisonment of Mill demonstrate what police and prison abolitionists have known for decades: The entire institution of mass incarceration is a crooked, racist system. When we say, “Free Meek and free Mumia!” we also say, “Free them all!”

Bolivian President Evo Morales honors Leonard Peltier, National Lawyers Guild joins...

President Evo Morales acknowledged Leonard Peltier as a defender of Indigenous Peoples and Mother Earth, and urged President Obama to grant him clemency. He was wrongfully convicted in 1977 in connection with the shooting deaths of two agents of the FBI on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota. The federal prosecutor has twice admitted that the government did not and cannot prove Peltier’s guilt.