Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tags Indiana Prison System

Tag: Indiana Prison System

The sport of abusing prisoners in Lucasville, Ohio: Like pulling wings...

Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson is ‘bent as ever on being that “asshole” who helps lift the veil’ on corruptions and tortures against Western slave society behind the walls of U.S. prisons.

Prison leeches: Professionals who live off prisoners’ suffering

The Indiana Prison System is one example, and possibly the worst of the worst, of a culture of slave holder disdain for non-white humanity, criminal disregard for human rights and humanity itself, intentional abuse, harm and torture against caged and vulnerable human beings, and dare it be uttered – evil doing. It’s experiential, as Kevin “Rashid” Johnson shows us.

Let my people go! A call to release all US prisoners...

U.S. officials have often criticized Iran’s prison conditions. As awful as the prison conditions in Iran may be, Amerika, the proclaimed bastion of freedom and democracy, is much worse. Shane Bauer, the Amerikan captured and imprisoned for two years in Iran, bore witness to this.