Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Tags Kenneth Chamberlain

Tag: Kenneth Chamberlain

The criminality of solitary confinement

In this series of articles, we have traced the various mechanisms whereby the prison procedures of “gang validation” are used to deny the civil rights, the human rights and even the humanity of the prisoners. These procedures mark the criminality of the prison administration. The real crime problem in the U.S. is the prison system itself and its judicial machine. Together they are making justice and democracy practically impossible.

Why Black people understand Rachel Jeantel

If ever I thought myself objective and unbiased, the George Zimmerman trial is definitely not that moment. So let’s cut to the chase. Any attorney, jury member, judge or white person in that courtroom is not going to understand Rachel Jeantel. And I don’t expect them to. In fact, I certainly, like my fellow writer Rachel Samara, understand why white people wouldn’t like Rachel.