Friday, May 10, 2024
Tags Radical Islam

Tag: radical Islam

Thousands of Black lives mattered in Nigeria, but the world didn’t...

From a bombed NAACP office in Colorado to the decimated town of Baga, Nigeria, acts of terrorism against Black people and institutions have failed to generate much attention in the United States this past week. Most of the Western world and its political leaders have, instead, turned their eyes to Paris, France – the location of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. While the world holds its arms out in sympathy for Charlie Hebdo, we who believe in freedom must seek justice for Black people around the world – including for the victims of Boko Haram. We must continue to say that all Black lives matter, even when the world refuses to see it.

‘Obsession,’ a $140 million campaign contribution to defeat Obama

A dangerous little DVD inserted into newspapers in 70 cities last month titled "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" is a deliberately frightening view of "radical Islam." Imagine those who received it going to a Palin rally and hearing Barack Obama's middle name spat out. These cannot be coincidences.