Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Tags Ifoma Modibo Kambon

Tag: Ifoma Modibo Kambon

Liberate the Caged Voices

Sixty-six year old prisoner, Ifoma Modibo Kambon, describes how state prison actors administer their insidious tactics to destroy prisoners' minds, bodies and spirits with torture of decades in solitary confinement and other sadistic implementations of dehumanization.

Salute to Sitawa: ‘That Brotha still stands strong, unbroken!’

Ifoma Modibo Kambon pays tribute to Hunger Strikes’ unbroken lion, visionary and quintessential human, Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa.

The Black August Slave Rebellion: Every slave has a right to...

The Black August Rebellion is a month that the California state prisoners fast. They fast in the month of August to pay homage to the fallen comrades. Do make sure that this year you honor our comrade and hero lost last Aug. 12, Hugo “Yogi” Pinell. However you mark Black August, do it. You won’t be alone. The next chapter of Black August history is yours to write.

Hands off the Bay View

Fascist repression can only flourish when the voices of its victims have been brutally silenced and isolated within the concrete confines of a man-made construct where the scrutiny of the media cannot transcend the walls. But contrary to the fascist intent, the voices of resistance reverberated within the depths of this concrete hell as New Afrikan revolutionary prisoners since our arrival have refused to remain silent and have waged a continuous campaign to put an end to this racial injustice. And for over 20 years the San Francisco Bay View has played a critical role in allowing our voices to be heard.

The Prison Industrial Slave Complex, a profit-making industry

When the prison system transformed into the Prison Industrial Slave Complex (PISC), it became a profit-making industry and, as a profit-making industry, profit becomes the bottom line. In the PISC the poor underclass is the primary commodity that fuels its profitability, while the poor New Afrikan (Black) man and woman are its prime choice.

Getting ready for next Black August: Black August Memorial Commemoration Committees

Black August Memorial (BAM) is not about senseless acts of violence or gang activity. Black August was inspired by the death of our fallen Black dragons and includes other New Afrikan freedom fighters who gave their lives to our struggle for freedom, who made that ultimate and unselfish sacrifice in the service of our revolutionary struggle.