Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Rev. Denise Johnson

Tag: Rev. Denise Johnson

The frat house death of Gregory Johnson Jr. remains unsolved

The family of Gregory Johnson Jr. is still actively searching for answers concerning his death in the basement of Sigma Chi Fraternity House on the San Jose State University campus on Nov. 22, 2008. Pictures of a jagged scar on the back of Gregory’s scull that indicate a blunt force injury and the fact that a paramedic pronounced Gregory dead rather than taking him to the hospital are just some of the revelations Denise and Gregory Johnson Sr. are questioning.

Investigation continues into suspicious death of Black sophomore in San Jose...

"He was making plans to live, not to die." The mother of Gregory Johnson Jr., 20, questions the suicide theory posed by law enforcement officials, remembering her son as a positive, cheerful young man.