by The People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey
Because of America’s advanced public relations machine, many still believe that this place is the land of the free and the home of the brave, while it really is the home of genocide, rape, enslavement, psychological and biological warfare – to put it simply, war on every level.
It is not too far in the distant past when the government admitted to injecting Black men with syphilis and refusing to treat them for decades, experimenting on them without their knowledge.
While people were righteously rebelling in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, against police terrorism, a Center for Disease Control whistleblower confirmed something that has been on the lips of conscious ghetto dwellers for decades. International peace activist Cynthia McKinney speaks on the U.S. government spreading autism through vaccinations in the Black community, on Ferguson and much more.
M.O.I. JR: This is Block Report Radio one more time at you. This is the Minister of Information JR. We are here with the legendary congresswoman, presidential candidate and international peace activist Ms. Cynthia McKinney. How are you?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, I’m doing fine. It’s been a long time since we’ve chatted because I’ve been so swamped trying to put the finishing touches on my dissertation … well, finishing touches I hope. Every time I turn it in, I get more work that needs to be done. But I’m almost finished and I anticipate that we’ll be spending more time together.
M.O.I. JR: No doubt. Can you tell us a little about this new report that came out about Black male autism and the new basically Tuskegee experiment in the Black community?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, I think this is something that the entire community needs to be paying very close attention to. I’ve always said that if they’ll do it to us, they’ll do it to you.
On Aug. 27, a Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a CDC whistleblower by the name of William W. Thompson, and he’s a Ph.D., posted a statement on the website of the Morgan Vercamp LLC law firm. The statement says, among other things, “I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR (that’s mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
Now, the risk was like 300 percent, I mean it was like, as he said “statistically significant.” It was huge. And basically what they did was they left that information out. Then on Aug. 29, the CDC responded by basically saying, “Yes, we left that information out.”
Now one of the vaccine activists, a Dr. Hooker, says that not only did the CDC admit basically to doing what William Thompson said, but they obfuscated that position by smudging the truth in other ways in the language prior to the actual admission. So you’re going to get into a lot of this scientific back and forth.
“I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR (that’s mumps, measles and rubella) vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism.”
But the bottom line is this whistleblower by the name of William W. Thompson has acquired a lawyer and on that lawyer’s website he’s posted information saying that he and the other authors of the study – there were three authors of the study – intentionally suppressed information that was statistically significant demonstrating a relationship between early administration of the MMR vaccine and Black boys – Black babies.
M.O.I. JR: What is the significance of this? How many people are we talking about and how long are the times we’re talking about based on this document?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, what I did now that I’m studying and I know a little bit about how to do a little bit more and better research, I went to Google Scholar and I put in the name of Dr. William W. Thompson just to see how many other works had cited his work and how many other works have cited that particular work, which is the 2004 study. And there are many, many, many other studies that have used the work of Dr. Thompson.
And so what this means on the scientific level is that a lot of studies are going to have to be – their conclusions are going to have to be adjusted because they have used tainted results. This is huge in and of itself because we’re talking about young children being affected for the rest of their lives because of a lie that was told by the CDC. Now, that’s one method.
On the other level is that incidents of autism have exploded. When I posted it – I posted it immediately when I saw it on my Facebook page, which is Cynthia McKinney Official, so people can go and they can follow this on my Facebook page – I had so many people post that they themselves had given their children or children in their families had received those vaccines and that they were now autistic.
So this is something new that our community is having to cope with, and it’s reminiscent of eugenics because they knew that whatever the formula was that they were using was going to have an adverse effect on Black babies – Black male babies in particular is what they studied. But there was this adverse reaction, and they did nothing; they remained silent. It’s outrageous.
We’re talking about young children being affected for the rest of their lives because of a lie that was told by the CDC.
This is a crime. And of course, because the city of Atlanta is predominately Black, then if the CDC wants to study Black people, they have a population right here. And of course you also know that with the prison situation – there’s a preponderance of Blacks in prison – and these kinds of studies, and we don’t know what they’re doing and why are they collecting Black DNA, which is another discussion that I had on my Facebook page.
Anytime you’re arrested now – it used to be upon conviction they would get your DNA, but now it’s upon arrest they get your DNA. You know I ask people, I say, “OK, you better stop this; this is being done for a reason. It’s going to come into the larger community, it’s going to come into your neighborhood if you don’t stop it from happening to Black people.”
Sure enough, nobody really said anything and now they’re having roadblocks in various cities so far. Texas is one, one state, where they’re collecting DNA. The police are collecting people’s DNA and even taking their blood and giving them $10. It’s ridiculous what’s happening. I don’t know why the population isn’t outraged at the fact that their elected officials are allowing this kind of behavior to take place.
M.O.I. JR: Has there been any response from the Obama administration, Eric Holder, the Congressional Black Caucus or anyone else in the federal government?
Cynthia McKinney: I have not read of any response of the national Black Caucus, but I could not imagine that the Congressional Black Caucus would remain silent on this. They’ve been veritably silent on many issues, especially what was going on in Gaza. There’s been a lot of discussion about why members of the Congressional Black Caucus and Black officials in general were so silent on Gaza, but I cannot imagine silence on something like this. And the most activist members of Congress that I’ve read about who are on this – forcing the CDC to turn over papers – are Republicans actually.
M.O.I. JR: So what is it that the average, everyday person – what is it that we can do? How can we find out more information and what is it we can do with this information?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, the lawyer’s website crashed on the 27th when I posted it; there were a lot of people who said, “We can’t get on.” “We’re getting an error message.” But now that things have, well, not died down but there’s not that frenzy, I would recommend that people actually go to the website.
Go to that website and read the whistleblower’s statement. It’s at the top left of the page. So first of all read what the whistleblower has said. Then I would suggest that people go to my Facebook page and find that series of articles that I have posted and videos. I have posted the CDC response. I have also posted – Brian Hooker is the one, the activist, who actually exploded this all – he apparently made a recording of William Thompson expressing remorse and regret for what he had done, and I think it was Dr. Hooker who made it public.
And in the letter, you will see, the letter from William Thompson, he said he did not realize that he was being recorded and he did not know that it was going to be made public. Well, it was and then he had to go and get a lawyer.
But the implications are any child who has autism might be able, there’s a big “might,” to trace it back to the early administration of the MMR vaccine and the requirement – these vaccines are required here in the state of Georgia. In order to go to school you have to have these vaccines. And if you follow CDC guidelines then you were setting Black boys up to be autistic. That’s the bottom line.
If you follow CDC guidelines then you were setting Black boys up to be autistic.
M.O.I. JR. Basically, prisoning them.
Cynthia McKinney: Exactly. And of course we don’t know what’s in those vaccines anyway. But one of the things that I was tackling when I was in Congress, one of the many issues, was the failure of the Pentagon to provide vaccines to the soldiers from what I would call reputable companies. These were insider companies that got these contracts and then they sublet those contracts out to other companies. They were trying to absorb biological research companies so they could justify these contracts.
But we don’t know what they put in those, and the soldiers themselves were having incidents of children being born with deformities, so I was looking into that at the time that I was in Congress. The whole issue of vaccines is something that needs to be looked at very, very carefully because the requirement now is for children to get more and more and more vaccinations, and we should have no confidence that our government is taking care of us.
M.O.I. JR: No doubt. Let’s talk about the hot topic: Ferguson. What is your analysis of the murder of Mike Brown as well as the other brother that was murdered who was mentally challenged and they killed him on the street on tape. What is your response on the rebellion, the people’s response, as well as the militarization of the police in Ferguson and their response?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, the event in St. Louis with the downing of that young man made absolutely no sense – and the events in Ferguson as well. But the situation in St. Louis – the young man put the two bottles of soda that he was trying to walk out of the store with, he put them on the sidewalk and waited for the police to come.
He could have just left. He could’ve just put them on the sidewalk and left and he would still be alive today. But he put them on the sidewalk and he waited there with the store owner in a very respectful way. He waited for the police to come and then he lost his life.
This is going to continue to happen until we stop it – and that’s got to be we the people. I’ve spoken about three aspects of the situation that took place in Ferguson and actually is taking place in the country. One of those is the erosion of this law that’s called posse comitatus, which basically has been on the books since the Civil War and says that the U.S. military shall play no role in local law enforcement.
So there’s supposed to be a wall of division between the military, U.S. military, and local law enforcement. But what happened was members of Congress voted to make, as far as I know and am aware, three exceptions. The first exception was in the so-called war on drugs. If you were fighting the war on drugs – which of course since the CIA was making sure that the Black communities were getting the drugs, that became the war on Black people – then that was one area where the militarization was deemed appropriate.
The second is more recent and that’s the war on terror. So if you’re fighting terrorists, then there’s an exception. And the third is already in the law and might become important with the event of a biological pandemic. So under those three circumstances then you can have the military and local law enforcement mixing or you could have the military just walking the streets as you had after Hurricane Katrina.
Now that was a violation of posse comitatus, and the Louisiana governor at that time, Blanco, refused to turn the National Guard over to George W. Bush, who was demanding that she do that and she refused, thank goodness, not setting a precedent, but the ability to mix these purposes up is already enshrined in the law. So you’ve got that.
Then the second thing is what I call the Donald Sterling revelations – and remember Sterling said that the Israelis treat the Black Jews like dogs. This was his exact quote: “like dogs.” So you can say that that’s not very far away from the way Black people in the United States are treated.
And then there’s another reason and that is because there’s a very, very strong relationship between local law enforcement – your local police department – and the state of Israel. We have an ex-soldier, Eran Efrati, who recently did a tour of the U.S. and he speaks to this. I’ve posted this on my Facebook page too, where he says these policemen come over there and they get with us and we teach them how to deal with the enemy.
Over there the enemy is the Palestinians. But when those police officers come home, you become the enemy, and that is what we are seeing.
And so one of the things that you have to do is you have to stop this militarized relationship between Israel and the local police. Now that’s going to be very difficult. Well, it wouldn’t be difficult if the members of Congress would do their business, but in the reticence of the members of Congress to actually cut off funding for Israel or cut off funding for these programs, it will just continue and it will get worse.
There are several organizations that have these programs. Now people in California would be surprised to know that the Anti-Defamation League has a program. They have a program where they boast that they’ve trained over 45,000 U.S. law enforcement personnel – and this is the Anti-Defamation League, which was spying on activists back in the 1970s, maybe even later than that, the ‘80s and the ‘90s.
M.O.I. JR: Right – at San Francisco State in the ‘90s.
Cynthia McKinney: That’s right. That’s why I thought this would be of special interest to the Californians: the Anti-Defamation League training over 45,000 local law enforcement.
And then you’ve got JINSA, which is the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, another one of those Jewish think tanks. These police officers are given all expenses paid trips, so they go over there, they train 9,000; and then the Department of Homeland Security has a relationship as well. When you look at that, that is also a form of militarization of training.
You know we know how Palestinians are treated. We know that. That’s not a secret. And we know how we are treated. So I call it the Israelization of local law enforcement and the Palestinianization of the rest of us. That’s what I call that.
And then there’s the third aspect of this that I find interesting, and that is that the police department in Ferguson doesn’t look like the people of Ferguson. So you’ve got a town that is 67 percent Black and they only have three Black police officers. How does that happen?
Well, it turns out that a journalist from the Washington Post asked that same question, and what she did was she asked what other non-White cities have a majority White police department. And guess what she came up with? Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Memphis, San Diego, San Francisco and Philadelphia. So now what that tells me is – this is what Glen Ford writes about all the time, the Black political class – that tells me that we the people, we the voters, need an attitude adjustment because we’re allowing people that we put into power to not serve us.
The first thing that a Black mayor should do is look at the entire functioning of city government and make sure the city government serves the people of the city. First. And so if that’s not done, then how is it that San Francisco is on that list? You know, San Francisco, majority non-White. Now, you see, I didn’t know that. Majority non-White and yet the police department is majority White. So now I’m wondering, well, who’s running for mayor of San Francisco and does that mayor even reflect the people of San Francisco?
The attitude adjustment that I suggest is that we stop saying they’re going to do what they want to do anyway so I’m just going to opt out – and that we empower ourselves to make the changes that we need. Because, you know, of course things will never change if we assume things will never change and if we behave as if things will never change.
But if we behave as if we deserve – they call it citizenship with equity – we deserve to be served, then of course, you know, if there’s one or two of us, they can pick us off. I’ve got some experience with that. So it has to be a critical mass of us, which means that our community has to be organized. That’s why small things, like young people walking around with the earbuds in the ear and they won’t look up and acknowledge you and speak to you when you pass by them on the street. Now, I can’t go for that.
I’m from the old school and I’m Southern, and in the South we speak to each other. We acknowledge each other, we look at each other in the eyes and we say, “Hello.” And so this little young thing, this new thing about putting the earbuds in the ears and looking down, especially when somebody walks by, what is that? So our behavior has got to change.
M.O.I. JR: No doubt. Is there anything that the average person should be aware of? Is there anything that the average person can do to support what’s going on in Ferguson but do it locally where we can make it easy, where they can do something right there in their locale? You were talking about the demilitarization of police departments. What is it that you think we can do?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, I always look at a political solution because our problem is political – our economic problem, our cultural problem – it all can be resolved with our unity and the culture used to promote unity. Now, of course, the popular mass culture does exactly the opposite since we lost ownership of our own culture.
But one of the things that I would encourage people to do is to demand more from the people that they have elected. For example, I had the opportunity to speak on the telephone to someone from Ferguson and I suggested that they demand more of the governor. The governor got 92 percent of the Black vote.
The governor with the power that he’s been given by the community, he can do something for that community – and they deserve it. It’s not like they’re asking for anything that is undeserved. This is the way politics goes. You serve all the people. You don’t serve a few of the people. We have become accustomed to allowing our elected representative to serve a few and we don’t appreciate it when they don’t serve all of us.
The other thing is that the elected officials, whether they’re on the congressional or federal level or the state level, can introduce legislation dealing with this militarization problem. On the federal level, they can introduce legislation about this training and as well they can just say, “No, we don’t want our police officers going to train over in Israel.”
And then the final thing that is always so critical is that people, as I’ve said, they have to behave differently politically, but then I encourage folks to run for office. If that political class has failed you, which I believe in large measure we are experiencing in our community, then this is a situation from which new leaders can emerge. And I know that new leaders did emerge out of the Oscar Grant struggle, but they need to say, “OK, I can better represent the community and run for office.” Don’t be afraid about it – and don’t think the government is them. The government is us.
M.O.I. JR: If people would like to get more information on what you have going on and what you’re thinking about, how can they do that?
Cynthia McKinney: Well, they can always reach me through Facebook, McKinney Official. My email address hasn’t changed: That way they can communicate with me directly. Or they can message me through Facebook, although the information on Facebook – I call it after a friend; it’s not my original thought, but I have appropriated it for myself – he calls Facebook “fake spook,” and I love that.
So private communication these days as we know between NSA and Homeland Security – everybody is listening in and yet they don’t seem able to solve the small issues and yet they’re all listening in on everything everybody is doing. But at least if you send me an email, that content belongs to us as opposed if you post it on Facebook – fake spook – it belongs to them.
M.O.I. JR: All right. Well, for those who tuned in late, this is the legendary former congresswoman, former presidential candidate and international peace activist Cynthia McKinney. And where can they find you online one more time?
Cynthia McKinney: Cynthia McKinney Official ( on Facebook.
The People’s Minister of Information JR Valrey is associate editor of the Bay View, author of “Block Reportin’” and “Unfinished Business: Block Reportin’ 2” and filmmaker of “Operation Small Axe” and “Block Reportin’ 101,” available, along with many more interviews, at He can be reached at