Monday, May 6, 2024

Daily Archives: October 26, 2011

End all attacks on the 99%

Last night, I watched in horror alongside the rest of the world as Oakland police and 16 other police agencies from across the Bay Area fired tear gas and war grade weapons at the Occupy Wall Street movement. Now more than 50 writers have released a statement denouncing a “crackdown on free speech” by Oakland police and Mayor Jean Quan.

Blood clots found in the legs of Fukushima evacuees

Earthquake evacuees living in temporary housing and shelters in the hard-hit city of Ishinomaki have developed deep thrombophlebitis, the swelling of a vein caused by a blood clot. Diseases of the blood and circulatory and lymphatic systems are among the most widespread consequences of the Chernobyl contamination, especially among evacuees.