Thursday, February 13, 2025

Daily Archives: June 5, 2014

SF DocFest: 13th Annual San Francisco Documentary Festival, June 5-19

This year at the SF Indiefest’s 13th Anual Docfest, June 5-19, at multiple venues on both sides of the Bay, quite a number of films look at sexual exploitation of youth, crimes of poverty and profiles of superheroes – ordinary citizens with tenacity and inner fortitude and great love for their community, like the Honorable Michael Tubbs, central character in Kevin Gordon’s “True Son.”

Who is Dan Siegel? Tracy Rosenberg speaks

Who is this white lawyer posing as a left wing candidate in the Oakland mayoral race, a man with a long history of collaborating with and representing police and backing legislation, as a public servant, that has gotten people killed? Dan “the opportunist” Siegel.

Discussing ‘The Young Oscar Micheaux’ wit’ filmmaker Jamie Walker

Oscar Micheaux is a name that every Black person who likes cinema, television and webisodes should know because he is one of the earliest Black filmmakers in the United States. His work even pre-dates the Harlem Renaissance. At this year’s San Francisco Black Film Festival, locally based filmmaker Jamie Walker will be presenting her film, “The Young Oscar Micheaux.”