Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Daily Archives: December 23, 2017

Bringing Christmas cheer to BVHP and OMI

Turkey and trimmings graced the Christmas menu for 1,400 seniors and families from the Bayview and OMI. The recipients were identified by schools and local community and faith-based organizations, who also helped organize the donations and coordinate deliveries. The turkeys and trimmings were donated by Glide Memorial, the Community Living Campaign and the SF Public Health Foundation in partnership with the San Francisco Department of Public Health and other community agencies.

Give Black women credit for #MeToo and the defeat of Roy Moore in Alabama

Currently, two historic events are being characterized in a manner that erases the significant contributions of Black women. The #MeToo Movement is being recast in the national narrative to fit into a more comfortable version of U.S. history. A seminal moment within this movement was when white celebrities began to use the hashtag to make people aware of the extent of sexual abuse suffered by women in this country. But this moment came 10 years after the movement was begun by a Black woman, Tarana Burke.