Sunday, May 5, 2024

Daily Archives: November 2, 2018

‘Yes on Prop 10,’ says Danny Glover

In California and across the country, progressives are coming together to demand change. We need affordable housing for our communities. On Nov. 6, voters in California will be able to vote on Proposition 10, an amendment that will let local governments determine if housing in their area should be rent controlled based on the needs of those in their communities. Prop 10 is a key example of how we can make California and the rest of the United States affordable for all families. Vote Yes on 10!

SF CTA issues RFQ for On-Call Strategic Communications Services

  REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ON-CALL STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (RFQ 18/19-05) Notice is hereby given that the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and Treasure Island Mobility...

New racial discrimination claims filed against Clark Construction

Civil Rights Attorney John L. Burris held a press conference on Oct. 26 to announce he is filing racial discrimination lawsuits in the Superior Court of San Francisco on behalf of four African American men against Clark Construction Group-California, Inc., for creating a racially hostile work environment and for allowing the men to be subjected to harassment, intimidation and retaliation.