Thursday, May 2, 2024

Daily Archives: June 6, 2019

Paul Kagame and his house Negro, Félix Tshisekedi

The Congolese are under occupation by Rwanda. Congo’s immense mineral resources have been plundered by Rwandan and Ugandan troops, then smuggled or sold to Western and transnational corporations.

Solano prisoners petition against ‘man down’ policy

These medical emergencies occur many times a day, causing stress and frustration with all prisoners. They affect our physical and mental wellbeing. It is dehumanizing. We have to wait to be allowed to walk to a medical area that treats prisoners for minor medical problems without using the emergency code for help, "man down."

Out of solitary confinement, yet the struggle continues

Warehousing prisoners in a single cell for 22-24 hours a day for years with no release in the foreseeable future is, according to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Department of Justice, the precise definition of Solitary Confinement, which is deemed cruel and unusual punishment.

Prisoners, mass incarceration and freedom

Now that we’re supposedly free, Blacks have become the majority of the U.S. prison population. And that is because the free labor of Black slaves built this country into a profitable, prosperous enterprise for whites who are trying to keep it that way.