Daily Archives: October 7, 2019
Time for Change Foundation expands award winning model for helping families achieve self-sufficiency to...
In Northern California, Time for Change has opened Brighter Futures, an emergency housing facility located in Hayward, close to schools and transportation.
Homelessness is a real crisis in Oakland, Part I
According to the California Department of Finance, one in five Californians pays more than 50 percent of their income for housing. With the medium home price in the nine Bay Area counties at $810,000 and the current market rate rent for a one-bedroom apartment at $3,000 to $3,500 per month, individuals and families are rapidly being forced to live in unhealthy tent encampments and in their vehicles.
Suicide epidemic and deadly extreme heat continue to be downplayed and ignored inside Texas...
The death toll inside Texas State Prisons continues to rise with no relief in sight. There is such a thing as perception management and “controlling the narrative.”
Welcome to USP Beaumont, where the struggle continues
Make no mistake about it, comrades, I was sent to this high security facility because I continue to speak TRUTH to power and I won’t be silenced – period.
2020 Here we go again
As a 16-year-old kid, given a 30-year sentence for attempted robbery, I used to think that maybe I just fell through the cracks, that I could have been saved as a kid and rehabilitated. Then I was educated, then my consciousness was raised and I realized that it wasn’t meant for me to be saved or rehabilitated.