Thursday, May 9, 2024
2020 March 22

Daily Archives: March 22, 2020

‘Virus or no virus, we can’t lose our voice’: Cheri Honkala on battling back...

We can’t sit on the sidelines waiting for someone to save us. We need to link arms and remember that all we have is each other, and we’d better get organized to take housing, to take land, to take back a future for ourselves and our children.

It is time to empty the prisons

In this moment of crisis, the prisons will act as an incubator for COVID-19. If we want to protect the entire country from this disease, we must empty the prisons.

Elected prosecutors address COVID-19 and the rights and needs of those in custody

Fair and Just Prosecution, a coalition of newly-elected local prosecutors committed to a justice system with fairness, equity, and compassion, denounces the public health hazard of incarceration in the face of COVID-19 and calls for decarceration, humane conditions, healthcare measures, and a reduction of immigrant detention to keep our communities safe during and after the outbreak.