Sunday, May 5, 2024

World News & Views

The latest from the Black community worldwide.

United Nations intervention urgently needed to stop colonial carnage in West Papua

If the world and international media ignores West Papua now, the Indonesian security services may turn it into a bloodbath.

Stop the Massacres in Haiti Week of Action

It is time for the U.S. to be held accountable for its continued support of the repressive regime now in power in Haiti: Wednesday, Oct. 2, at the Peckham Federal Building in San Jose, 280 S. First St, at 2:00 p.m.

Rwanda: Murder of dissidents continues as migrants are shipped in

“I know that the killers want me and other members of the opposition to be afraid and stop our democratic struggle. But Rwandan people need to be free in our country. Fear of being arrested again or being assassinated will never stop our struggle.”

The Lasalin Massacre and the human rights crisis in Haiti

On Nov. 13, 2018, police and other paramilitary personnel entered the neighborhood of Lasalin in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. What followed was a massacre of the civilian population.

Russian pride and US exceptionalism

“We wanted socialism with a human face, but we got [long pause] very harsh capitalism.”

Israeli political cops beat prize-winning Gazan journalist

“His homeland, Gaza, is surrounded, starved, attacked, forgotten. He is a profoundly humane witness to one of the great injustices of our time. He is the voice of the voiceless.”

Rwanda: Victoire Ingabire endures relentless interrogation

The powerful and wealthy nations who send foreign aid to Rwanda need to understand that they are supporting an unstable, unsustainable government because there is no space for people to speak freely and peacefully and engage in real democratic process in Rwanda. Shutting down political space risks the return of mass violence to Rwanda sooner or later. I have devoted my life to preventing its return.

Volunteering on the border: Our trip to El Paso and Casa Del Refugiado

One Brazilian family explained that the food they were provided in detention was cookies and chips.

Donald in the Donbass, Biden in the crossfire

“Zelensky is desperate to end the war. His electoral landslide was the result of this promise, and his anti-corruption theme, which is related. His presidency – even his life – depends on it,” says Princeton and NYU Professor Emeritus Stephen F. Cohen. So why did Zelensky want another $400 million worth of military aid that could only escalate the war?

Black Alliance for Peace stands in revolutionary solidarity with the people of Bolivia

With the forced resignation of Bolivian President Evo Morales and the physical assaults against leaders of the Movement for Socialism, the progress made by indigenous and working-class people of Bolivia is under serious assault.

Rwanda exports 2,163 kg of gold, UAE imports 12,539 kg of it

The final 2019 UN Group of Experts Report on the Democratic Republic of the Congo confirms that Congo’s eastern neighbor Rwanda remains a haven for smuggling Congolese minerals.

Tortured Sudanese journalist Sami Al-Hajj released after 7 years in Guantanamo

Sami Al-Hajj was released after spending more than seven years in U.S. custody. He was released without ever being prosecuted.

Victoire Ingabire walks a knife edge in Rwanda

Victoire Ingabire “is a convicted criminal who was never rehabilitated. She is not a politician, an opposition leader, but a criminal.” – New Times of Rwanda, Paul Kagame’s newspaper

Viequenses support Barack Obama

Vieques is an exquisite white-sand-trimmed island, a jewel in the blue Caribbean, where the 10,000 Viequenses fight valiantly for cleanup of massive contamination left by the U.S. Navy.

West Coast ports shut on May Day

In San Francisco, more than a thousand people marched from Local 10’s union hall, led by the Local 10 Drill Team, along the Embarcadero where the 1934 Big Strike took place.

US Navy aims its big guns at Latin America

While Washington assures that its sole interest in the region is combating “new threats” – terrorism, drug trafficking and the Maras gangs of Central America – Latin American people often see it as the pursuit of “imperialist” interests dictated by energy needs.

Congo: Millions die while the UN keeps the peace

“There’s been killed 8 million people and you say you’re making fictitious peace and you’re telling us that this is peace when aggressors are not named!” – Congolese Swiss historian Bénédicte Kumbi Njoko

Haitians demand food

Supposedly, the UN occupation and the 2006 election had allowed Haitians to forget that its democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, had been overthrown in a violent coup. The massive protest over food prices has shattered this facade.

UN holds racism hearings in US

What’s different is you’re going to hear the voices of the people. You don’t usually hear the voice of the people.