Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Daily Archives: September 13, 2009

Soul Food Co-op: an interview wit’ co-owner Yasser

Right after the chattel slavery era, the great Marcus Mosiah Garvey taught our people all over the world the importance of providing for ourselves as well as the importance of being able to employ our own community. Today Garvey would be proud of ATL transplants Yasser and Vahid, two young adults who brought the Soul Food Co-op (grocery store) to West Oakland's Village Bottoms Cultural District. We finally have a place, in the hood, where you could send your children to the store to get real fresh fruits and vegetables, without them having to see cigarette and alcohol ads.

Lennar, Leno, the Labor Council and the ‘toxic-swap’ fiasco

SB 792 is a license for Lennar to dump worthless, dangerous, highly toxic and radioactive land on the public, in exchange for clean, desirable Candlestick parkland that graces the Black and working class community of Bayview Hunters Point. Labor must not be deceived into becoming an unwitting and involuntary participant in a major crime.