Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Daily Archives: January 30, 2018

In Florida prisons, will so-called street thugs find the courage to confront corporate thugs?

Though the so-called street thugz forgot about the struggle, it’s IWOC that didn’t forget! Corporate thugz will continue to keep their boots on the necks of the so-called street thugz as long as we don’t unite. So what we gonna do, so-called street thugs? Fight for our rights with the help of Gainesville IWOC or let the slavemaster’s children (prison guards) continue to shine a flashlight up our buttz? You like that? I don’t.

Black and white: The people who run America separate us for their benefit

With words that come from my heart, I’d like to tell you of myself, in hopes people may see and know that there are folks with soul and with heart all over. I am 46 years old. My mom was Cherokee and German, my Dad was Irish American and we lived in Dalton, Georgia. I am the youngest of nine kids. We lived in what is called Newtown. My mom and Dad were seen the same as a Black person with a fair-skinned person. I grew up as the only non-black American on my street till mom passed on Sept. 21, 1981.

2018 Black History Month Celebrations

Join the San Francisco African American Historical & Cultural Society for a series of events to celebrate Black History Month. The national theme, “African Americans in Times of War,” has been enhanced to include “A Resilient Spirit,” the story of African American people. Dr. Dawn Elissa Fisher, keynote speaker, chair of Department of Africana Studies, San Francisco State University, will kick off the Black History Month Celebration at City Hall Rotunda on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018, at 12 noon. The public is invited.

A historical perspective on the contemporary racial divide

Aug. 12, 2017, a myriad of white nationalist groups amalgamated in the city of Charlottesville to protest the removal of a Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee statue. This “unite the right” white nationalist rally was the largest gathering in over a decade, according to ABC News. David Duke, the former grand-wizard of the Ku Klux Klan who is also an avid supporter of Donald Trump, was one of the organizers. During this rally they were met with counter-protestors.