Tuesday, February 18, 2025
2022 July

Monthly Archives: July 2022

The Haitian Revolution today: The limits of token solidarity

The Haitian people continue their struggle against relentless u.s. imperialism.

HUD provides valued support where it is needed

Hope from HUD with Mountain View City Council’s leadership addressing affordable housing for Bay Area residents.

Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center honors community members instrumental during pandemic

This COVID-19 pandemic response created a blueprint to impact other issues in Black communities.

Fred T. Smith, Race Man, part of the Black pantheon

Fred T. Smith, with a thirst for life and love for the People, leaves a legacy of brilliance as he goes home to the ancestors.

Laws, covenants, rules and regulations for me and not for thee

Construction trade unions use their union dues to finance the campaigns of politicians who promote the exclusion of Black contractors.

Oakland’s Emerald New Deal DEBATE: Councilman Loren Taylor supports $160 million

When we look at the East Oakland and West Oakland flatlands today, it is easy to forget that these places were once thriving economic centers, populated with Black working middle class families who owned homes and businesses.

Oakland’s Emerald New Deal DEBATE: Cannabis Regulatory Commission Chair Chaney Turner opposes the deal

The tax dollars generated from cannabis sales need to go back into our social equity program that supports drug war survivors to enter the cannabis space.

Thespian Michael Wayne Turner III is turning heads on Oakland stages

Be entertained and intrigued by the compelling complexities of the “Hat Matter: Thoughts of a Black Mad Hatter”

In Texas, solitary confinement is The New Jim Crow

Experiencing the corruption and brutality from RHU in Lane Murray Unit, Britney Gulley creates hope for the future in the way of Nelson Mandela.

Allow us our Afro-Boricua religious freedoms, or it’s African religious genocide

Religious freedom guaranteed by the u.s. constitution is denied prisoners by the state of Pennsylvania.

‘We need something real’

Twenty years later, Kevin Epps’ “Straight Outta Hunters Point” film viewed again elicits real deep community conversation.

‘They killed ACA3’ 

The killing continues by the corporate government of California.

My cancer diagnosis and the disease of denied prison medical care

On July 1, 2022, I was informed by a prison doctor here at Virginia’s Nottoway Correctional (sic!) Center (NCC) that I had tested positive for prostate cancer.

Teakakez Comedy Lounge is at Zanzi’s in Oakland on July 5

The dynamic duo of Pam and DJ have done a superb job at putting together a quality monthly event that comedians and the crowd can get excited about.

Asante! Free ‘em all! Pt. 2

By design, hypocrisy rules supreme[acy] of the united snakes of amerika.

The voiceless platform 

What does ‘powerless’ look like?

Hard fought fee waiver opens Homefulness to the homeless 

Homefulness victory over fees and permits as weapons of violence against vulnerable people.

Remembering John W. Smith Jr., longtime ‘Mayor of Potrero Hill’ 1947-2022

John W. Smith remembered as powerful in his persistence to act for sustained vitality of his community in the midst of brutal gentrification.

Jason Walker: Each move is far worse than the last

This is my ninth unit transfer since 2019 for threats of violence, assault, extortion and retaliation because of my publishing. Call the authorities to keep Jason alive.

Just released: ACLU report finds widespread coercion of incarcerated workers across U.S. is slavery

ACLU issues damning report on evidence of plantation slavery culture in today’s prisons.