Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2023

The LAPD vs. Black Panther Party shootout of Dec. 8, 1969

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Black Panther Party, former BPP member Bruce Richard recalled his experience in the Los Angeles chapter which culminated in a shootout. This October, Black Panther History Month 2023, is the right time to revisit that revolutionary history.

Palestine’s Trail of Tears 

a Trail of Tears / stretched across time / from Native America / to Palestine

Malcolm X: Zionist ‘Logic’

In short, the Zionist argument to justify Israel’s present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history ...

Unforgettable, though near or far

Here were men just like me with a little of nothing making a way for others and doing a good job. Positive Directions’ intentions were real, not for show. I knew that was where I wanted to be.

Justice long overdue: redevelopment to reparations

Persistent work by community activists advising the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) has effectively transformed the Certificate of Preference (COP) program, a program designed to fail, into a vehicle for long overdue justice.

‘Out of the Darkness’ comes an artist!

You can check out “Out of the Darkness” on Sunday, Oct. 8, 1 p.m.- 6 p.m., at 1981 Sutter St., San Francisco.

Hear Kalimba King Carl Winters play the music that’s in your blood

Carl Winters, the Kalimba King, will be performing at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MOAD) in San Francisco on Saturday, Oct. 14, at...

Talk with Dr. Betty McGee about breast cancer, the Hunters Point Shipyard and taking...

Concerned Network of Women presents the 2023 African American Breast Cancer Conference Sunday, Oct. 1, 12:30 p.m., 1550 Evans “After years of providing education on...

Ovrkast in the Oakland art scene

"But this EP I just put out is me saying I know now."

Fungi and plant based medicine is becoming more popular

by Minister of Information JR Valrey From ‘20-’22, there was a scamdemic lockdown in the US and around the world where the governments, Big Pharma...

City Ball remembers San Francisco athletes

by Lee Hubbard San Francisco – The indoor gym at the San Francisco Christian Center on Mission Street on the border of San Francisco and...

The rise of Hunters Point rapper and actor Money Tut

by Minister of Information JR Valrey I came across the musical works of Money Tut and the group EIGHTY3, when I was the tour manager...

‘Crowns’ comes to the Bay Area Sept. 9 through Oct. 6

“Crowns” plays at the Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek from Sept. 9 - Oct. 6, 2023. 

Tactics of division: Undermining unity among Black communities in America 

One of the most infamous instances of strategic division was the Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) initiated by J. Edgar Hoover in the 1950s.

The Oakland International Film Festival runs through Sept. 23 

We are rediscovering Oakland through the Oakland International Film Festival, intending to raise more awareness about these businesses and Oakland in general.

No place for old men

Today, men in their 70s and 80s roll around here in wheelchairs or hobble on walkers or even stroll with the help of canes.

Herm Lewis from Hunters Point tells his story: Part 1

We were legendary. We started off building a reputation from being young kids physically able to defend ourselves as far as street fights go, and then as the years went by, we all became attracted to the finer things in life.

Racism appears even in a place of grief

Often Black people are mishandled even when grieving a fresh loss of a loved one because there is little consequence to mishandling such a vulnerable community.

Scends reminds us of our roots

Immediately when you walk in, you’ve entered history. Familiar Black icons hang on the walls, and the atmosphere is cozy and comfortable.

Brick fest meditation

While we participate in these types of activities, I stress the importance of making sure these beautiful Black babies understand that they come from a legacy of master builders, architects and engineers.