Saturday, May 4, 2024

World News & Views

The latest from the Black community worldwide.

America’s sixth child

On the day he died, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called his mother to give her his next Sunday's sermon title: "Why America May Go to Hell."

Tripoli port notes

Tripoli port area, Aug. 23 – This observer’s tentative appraisal of Tuesday’s events along the North Tripoli port area as of late afternoon Aug. 23 is that the “65,000 well trained and well armed troops” hyped Sunday by the Qaddafi government don’t in fact exist and that the pockets of government troops here in Tripoli and across Libya that do will continue to resist what it views as NATO aggression – designed to usurp the country’s oil and add Libya to Africom.

Court finds Shell Nigeria guilty

A Dutch court has rejected a bid by Nigerian farmers to hold Shell’s parent company responsible for oil damage to their villages, saying that only the Anglo-Dutch oil giant’s Nigerian subsidiary was partly responsible. On Jan. 29, the court dismissed four out of five allegations against the company but ordered it to pay compensation to one Nigerian farmer.

From Burkina Faso to the Congo: Challenging the quest for president for life

The dominant challenge facing Congolese people is the lengths to which President Joseph Kabila will go to maintain a stranglehold on power. This unresolved question represents the greatest threat to peace and stability in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It will continue to dominate the political landscape through 2016, when Kabila is Constitutionally mandated to leave office.

Alone we are weak, together we are strong, all together WE ARE LAVALAS: Lavalas...

Haiti Action Committee is honored to circulate this statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party in Haiti, at a moment when the coronavirus has made its deadly march into Haiti. Faced with government inaction, repression and corruption, Haitians have turned to each other and to the popular movement to meet the challenge. We urge you to distribute this statement widely.

How the New York Fed strangles Iraq

Every time there’s an economic crisis anywhere in the world, pretty much it’s all resolved through the New York Fed. If they want to cut you off from the global economy, they can do so at the flick of a switch.

Dr. Mutulu Shakur presente

His service to the Black community wasn’t just in revolutionary activism, but as a doctor of acupuncture, where he treated addicted drug users and AIDS patients.

All things are possible

Read Barack Obama's victory speech, which begins: "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." Watch the speech by clicking on Videos under Topics to your left.

Dispatches from Donna in Gaza

All of us in the Free Gaza Movement, whether passengers on the boats or part of the support teams, are outraged that 1.5 million Palestinians are being collectively punished by the apartheid policies of the Israeli state.

‘Mission accomplished’ in Gaza

On July 29 the House of the Lord Church in Brooklyn hosted a standing-room-only report-back meeting led by several participants in the historic Viva Palestina U.S. convoy who returned July 17 and 18 from Gaza City in Palestine. The audience was majority Black.

In the wake of Jovenel Moise’s assassination: Building solidarity with Haiti’s popular movement

The empirical tentacles of the U.S. and UN continue their strangle-hold on the Haitian people’s grassroots movement to create “a new vision of the republic rooted in justice, transparency and participation.” 

How prison officials manufactured gangs and gang wars in Virginia’s prisons

by Kevin ‘Rashid’ Johnson No Virginia prison gangs before 2004 With the prevalence of youth lumpen organizations (so called street gangs) in Virginia today, it’s hard to believe that there were actually no gangs (especially no...

Back to our Afrikan home

The collective salvation and redemption of Afrikan people is about our repatriation to the Continent, where we can decide to be all that we choose to be, and the possibilities are endless. Yes, we, like Marcus Garvey had done 100 years ago, can capture the imagination of Black people and begin to promote – in theory and practice – the theme: 21st century pioneers on the Afrikan frontier!

Haiti struck by 7.2 magnitude earthquake Saturday – Donate to the fund that goes...

In shared humanity with our Haitian Brothers and Sisters, please donate to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.

Rebel vs. rioter

Lynch Black Libyans and be hailed a rebel by the United Kingdom. Set up on your own path of destruction on the homeland, however, and be hailed a mindless, criminal, opportunist rioter. What’s wrong with this picture?

Enemies unknown

It is a measure of how powerful the U.S. military is – and how poor the media is – that the nation wages war against peoples and countries it knows nothing about. How many of us know that many of the rebels in Libya don’t want democracy but the old kingdom restored?

First they came for …: Uganda and U.S. culture wars

The anti-homosexual bill has, for better or worse, drawn Uganda into the midst of U.S. culture wars, and Ugandan human rights activists are unconvinced that the sudden attention has anything to do with genuine concern for Ugandans or their rights.

Haiti numbers – 27 days after the quake

A million people are still homeless or needing shelter in Haiti. A million have been given food by the U.N. World Food Program in Port au Prince – another million in Port au Prince still need help.

The art of leadership and the fight for justice: What role outrage?

Abu Ghraib has its antecedents right here in the United States. The violence sponsored by the United States abroad has its origins inside the United States. As the United States and NATO drop bombs on unsubmitting African people in Libya, the United States kills an innocent Black man in Georgia.


The national referendum determining Britain’s exit from the 28-nation body called the European Union – dubbed “Brexit” by the hip British press – has sent shock waves around the world. That it has done so is a reflection of how narrow the national – and global – media is and how little they see of the world they purport to cover. It is also a window into the world of rising right-wing nationalism – and a walk away from the very notion of globalism.