Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Daily Archives: February 11, 2010

Protesters clash with police following rain in Haiti

About one inch of rain fell on the capital of Port au Prince early this morning sparking angry protests that tied up traffic near the airport for nearly four hours. Police held the march back as a short scuffle broke out with angry protesters demanding tents, food, water and the return of former President Aristide.

Become a paid redistricting commissioner – apply by Feb. 16

Proposition 11 in 2008 gave the redistricting responsibility to a 14-member Citizens Redistricting Commission that draws district lines after the Census. Applications are available through Feb. 16, 2010, and the commissioners are paid $300 per day.

Hope rising from the ashes

People have found an inner fortitude, a reserve of compassion and dedication that was released by the quake, a river of courage that spills from their hearts, and every day people traumatized by loss are engaging in extraordinary acts of kindness.

On the anniversary of Mandela’s release, South Africans still struggle for liberation

Twenty years ago, on Feb. 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela walked out of his prison cell and, four years later, a huge majority elected him president. Now, after 16 years of ANC rule, the majority of South Africans are worse off than they were under the white minority regime.