Daily Archives: July 26, 2010
Long time Black Vista Del Monte tenants fight eviction
The National Farm Workers, not to be confused with the United Farm Workers, is trying to strong arm long time Afro American tenants out of their San Francisco apartments at Vista Del Monte, a HUD-subsidized apartment complex located on Diamond Heights in San Francisco, one of the city’s highest and most scenic hills.
‘People’s takeover’ of child care centers planned by Oakland Parents Together
The seven Child Development Center in Oakland are slated to close on Friday, July 30. The People’s Takeover will begin on Monday, Aug. 2. Funds and volunteers are urgently needed for this effort. Please call OPT at (510) 452-8680, visit our website at www.parentstogether.org or email us at henry@parentstogether.org.
Black farmers: White House must make passing settlement funding immediate priority
I am concerned that Congress will not act to fully fund the Black farmers settlement before it expires. By agreement amongst the parties it had been extended 50 days from June 29, 2010. This year I have attended the funerals of many Black farmers who passed before ever seeing this case resolved.