Monday, May 6, 2024

Daily Archives: August 12, 2011

This hunger strike is far from over

I have been recuperating from not eating for 20 days straight and I can tell you based on my personal experience that it was hell! I could feel the life gradually being sucked out of me. Now we are trying to get our weight back up because this hunger strike is far from over.

Rebel vs. rioter

Lynch Black Libyans and be hailed a rebel by the United Kingdom. Set up on your own path of destruction on the homeland, however, and be hailed a mindless, criminal, opportunist rioter. What’s wrong with this picture?

Rattled mayor Boris Johnson in hot water over riots

On a post-riots walkabout in south London, guess who I bumped into? None other than goldilocks London Mayor Boris Johnson, whose summer holiday to America was so rudely interrupted by looters.

London liberators must be praised

Since the beginning of the seizure of police stations and army depots by the “peaceful” protesters in Libya, Africa, in February, who were then armed to the teeth and terrorized the population of many cities in Libya, the British government has supported them, calling them “rebels,” and even in the last few days recognize them as the “official government of Libya.”

Rebellion in Britain: Change is going to come

A protest that was fueled by what many deem an unlawful police shooting descended into chaos. The tragedy is, the questions that these protesters wanted, needed and had a right to ask have yet to be answered. Had these questions been answered satisfactorily, by which I mean honestly and in good time, rather than allowing allegations to be made and broadcast that were unfounded, the destruction that ensued could well have been prevented.

From heroes to villains: NOPD verdict reveals post-Katrina history

In an historic verdict with national implications, five New Orleans police officers were convicted on Friday of civil rights violations for killing unarmed African Americans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and could face life in prison when sentenced later this year.