Thursday, May 9, 2024

Daily Archives: June 9, 2015

Brutal, child abusing cop at Texas pool party resigns, should be charged

Resignation is not enough to hold former patrol supervisor Cpl. Eric Casebolt accountable or shift the discriminatory and violent culture of policing. He must be prosecuted. Unless violent and discriminatory officers face criminal charges, they will continue to target and harm Black communities. Police accountability is critical for transforming deeply entrenched policing culture that says it’s OK to racially profile and brutalize Black folks.

Hollywood to Houston

Robert “Fleetwood” Bowden, an emerging filmmaker, community activist, TV producer, radio host and best-selling author took the South to Southwest journey in reverse. He left San Francisco and took his movement to Houston. He introduced his movement to the residents of this huge city known as Htown.

Coup plotters sheltered by Rwanda declare war on Burundi

Rwanda is the official “hideout” for the Burundian government’s armed and unarmed “rebels” and/or opposition. Some Burundians in Rwanda, under Rwanda government protection, have openly declared war against the government of Burundi. Is Kagame capable of ruining Burundi the same way he ruined DRC, especially North and South Kivu?