Thursday, February 13, 2025

Daily Archives: August 29, 2015

Oakland PD: ‘We’ve let the dogs out!’

Instead of simply silently circling, observing and communicating to officers involved in the chase, Oakland helicopter police have begun blaring out warning announcements to the public below through some sort of loudspeaker or bullhorn system. The warnings or announcements are repeated over and over, and go something like: “Stay in your house!” “We’ve set police dogs loose!” “Stand still if you see them! Do not run from the dogs or they will bite you!”

Rebel Diaz’ Ñ Don’t Stop webisode is biggest show on TeleSur English

Revolutionary, Bronx based, political Latino rap group Rebel Diaz strikes again: This time it’s not a dose of reality Hip Hop that they serving, but a new political and cultural education tool better known as Ñ Don’t Stop, a webisode that regularly appears on the Venezuelan media website TeleSur English that will also soon be hitting television screens worldwide.