Friday, November 1, 2024

Daily Archives: October 2, 2018

Comrade Malik: Racism in the US is a symptom of capitalism

I’d like to send out a clenched fist salute to Amani Sawari of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak. I have studied the transcript of Amani’s appearance on Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. Amani did an excellent job articulating the reasons for our actions. Amani also had the presence of mind to highlight and accentuate the fact that we, the prisoners across Amerika, seek to be treated as human beings and given meaningful opportunities toward our rehabilitation.

SF Housing Authority seeks bids for Sunnydale Roof Leaks and Structural Repairs

  REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR  SUNNYDALE ROOF LEAKS AND STRUCTURAL REPAIRS Solicitation : 18-050-IFB-0014   The Housing Authority of the city and county of San Francisco will receive sealed...

Hey, Mr. Tangerine Man …

They got Jel-Low Puddin’ Man – --- one less backwards Taliban --- treating women like beasts – --- Packs of predator priests --- next they’re comin’ for you – --- your whole predator Krew --- silver bracelets, orange --- jumpsuit await you too! --- Hey Mr. Tangerine Man – --- They’re comin’ for you next --- Before you tweet or text --- Hey Mr. Tangerine Man – --- your FOX-hole country --- only needs one tree ---

Greenaction seeks Community Air Monitoring Project Coordinator-Environmental Justice Community Organizer

  Job Announcement: September 20, 2018   Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice Bayview Hunters Point Community Air Monitoring Project Coordinator/Environmental Justice Community Organizer **************************************************************** Greenaction for Health and Environmental...

Physicians and medical students stand in solidarity with prison strikers

As incarcerated people across the country began a three-week series of protests, a contingent of physicians, health professions students and other allied health professionals expressed their solidarity with the protestors. More than 125 students and healthcare providers signed an open letter endorsing the National Prison Strike, with many participating in local solidarity actions or making phone calls to prisons to show support for the strikers’ demands.

Elbert ‘Big Man’ Howard’s Black Panther Memorial marks history

Elbert “Big Man” Howard died in Santa Rosa at the age of 80 on July 23. The memorial service was held on Aug. 25. Howard was one of six founding members of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. He was well known as one of the most instrumental members in many facets of organizing during his time with the party. The memorial was packed with original Panthers who shared candid stories of their time with Howard.

OCII seeks affordable rental housing developer for Block 56, Hunters Point Shipyard

  NOTIFICATION: DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY Request for Proposals ("RFP") for Block 56 in the Hunters Point Shipyard Redevelopment Project Area  The Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (“OCII”), the...